Me: Hi sweetheart.
Margot: Did you already drop her off?
Me: Yes I just did.
Margo: Aw I was hoping to say good bye.

I frown knowing sometimes she hates when she doesn't get to take Spencer to school and say have a good day.

Me: Do you want me to go back in and let you talk to her?
Margot: No that's alright she's probably already playing with her friends huh?
Me: Yeah
Margot: No that's fine. Plus I don't want you going back in there.
Me: Why?
Margot: You're so cute. Her teacher likes you, and is always flirting with you when I'm there. I can't imagine how she acts when I'm not around.
Me: She doesn't flirt with me?
Margot: Oh goodness you still don't see how hot you are.

I feel my face flush even after all this time she still gets me flustered like a high school kid.

Me: Thank you baby. How's your day looking?
Margot: Very busy probably won't make dinner like we talked about. Do you have plans tonight?
Me: Okay, yes MK is coming over for dinner. Spencer is really excited.
Margot: Oh good. She does love her Auntie. Oh honey I have to go I'll see you later tonight. I love you E.
Me: I love you too baby.

I hang up the phone as I get in the car. I think about how understanding Margot is about my friendship with MK. She was really cool about it knowing that Elizabeth is my ex. She was actually there when I first met Margot.

5 years ago

The ball gets passed wide from me and it head towards the stands. I rush for the ball as well as the other player guarding me. I'm not even paying attention to the people in the stands. I dive after the ball. I manage to get a hand on it and pass it back in to my teammate but I as I dive after it crash into the people sitting there.

I feel a cold drink being spilled all over me and the people I crashed into. I hear the buzzer sound and the cheering knowing that my dive for the ball help us win the game. So I don't worry about getting up to rush back in the game. I look do get up to help whoever I crashed into.

I freeze when I see that the person I crushed and managed to spill her drink on myself and her is Margot Freakin Robbie!

"Oh shit! I'm so sorry!" I almost yell out?  People are stunned and not bothering to help her up so I immediately reach for her hand and arm. Pulling her up but I was so panicked that I used all my strength and pulled her into my chest. You couldn't fit a piece of paper between us.

"Oh..." is all she says our noses touching. I'm staring into her beautiful blue eyes. I'm not breathing at this point. I didn't realize that my hands are on her waist.

"S-sorry about that did I get you wet?" I say and she smiles at me.

"Oh just a little but I think most of the drink is on you." Her Australian accent is even more beautiful in person. My teammates rush over to me pulling me away from her. I look around knowing MK is here I find her and give her a signal to keep Margot here. For what I'm not sure at the moment.

She already is on it because she obviously saw the whole interaction.

After showering and the coaches talk I head back out to the court and see MK talking to Margot. MK sees me and says, "Can't believe he left you here with soda on you."

Margot laughs then replies sweetly, "Oh it's fine he had most of the damage." Not knowing I'm behind them. "So how long have you and Easton been together?" She asks MK and my eyes widen.

"Oh we aren't together we're just friends. He is actually very avai-" That's when I jump in, "Hello." Margot jumps a little at my presence. They both stand  MK giving me a hug congratulating me on my win.

"Hope Mary Kate wasn't boring you this whole time?" I ask and MK playfully smacks my arm. I make Margot laugh at that.

"No she has been great." She smiles and I smile not knowing what to do at this point. I hate this part of talking to women. MK speaks up, "Well as much fun as this is I best be going. Long day tomorrow have models coming in to shoot for the new clothes of the season."

She pulls me into another hug and whispers in my ear, "Ask to drive her home."

She pats my back now speaking normal, "Again congrats big guy. It was awesome meeting you Margot and if you are ever interested in modeling for The ROW give me a call we will work something out." She hands her her card.

"Thanks. I will it's was nice meeting you." She genuinely replies.

MK leaves us and I turn to her, "Um I'm again so sorry about jumping into you and ruining your shirt. Would you like me to drive you home? It's the least I could do?"

"Oh don't worry about it. I can easily get this out. Yes that sounds great." She says smiling up at me.

We walk out to the player's parking lot thank goodness all the reporters are gone. We get to my truck and I open the door for her holding out my hand for her to take. She climbs in with my help.

"Thank you sir." She says teasingly. I blush closing the door.

I get in the truck and start driving as she directs me.
"So how did you become friends with Mary Kate?" She asks and I tell her the simple version, "I've known her since high school."

"Wow long time. That great you've stayed friends that long. She seems to really care about you." She says

"Did I hurt you at all tonight?" I ask finally and she shakes her head. "No no it was just surprising. I saw the ball heading my way and you but I just froze not sure what to do. I bet the replay will be funny to watch on ESPN tonight and tomorrow."

I laugh and I can't help but feel this easiness to our conversation. I pull up to her apartment building and put my truck in park. She tells me thanks and goes to open her door but I put my hand on her arm. "No wait I'll get it."

I unbuckle my seatbelt jumping out of the truck rushing around to open her door. Help her down again walk her to the front door.  "Thank you for driving me home Easton." She says and goes to leave when I just nod.

"Wait, are you busy tomorrow?" I ask and she smiles, "No I'm not why?"

"Well um..I'd like to take you out for an apology dinner." I ask and she just shakes her head and I deflate.
"Oh okay..have a good night Margot." I turn to leave but she grabs my wrist.

"You can't take me out for an apology dinner but you can take me out to a regular date dinner." She say giving me a teasing. I smile and nod, "Okay, how about I pick you up at 7?"

"Sounds perfect. You played amazing Easton. See you tomorrow." She says walking into the entrance to her building. I watch her walk in and get on the elevator. I haven't felt this excited about a date in a long time.
Plus it doesn't hurt that it's with Margot Robbie.

AN: Hope y'all are enjoying the flashbacks so far. I will most likely be updating this series more.

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