An unexpected meeting

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lucy - umm I signed a contract with Lyon
keira - wait what? *her smile slowly faded away*
lucy - sorry I didn't tell you earlier. I just want to progress in football and overall I want a change
keira - I don't know what to say, of course I'm happy for you but does that mean you're moving?
lucy - mhm *she nodded* to France
keira - so we won't actually see each other?
lucy - we will, but probably only on bank holidays
keira - when are you leaving? *she asked hoping Lucy wouldn't say soon*
lucy - in two days, at 10 in the morning *she grabbed Kei's hands*

Keira's pov:
I let go of Luce's hands and went to the bathroom because I didn't want her to see me cry. It's not that I don't wish her that and I don't want her to be happy, but I really like her a lot and I don't want her to go away. I sat there for a while to calm down, I washed my face and my crying eyes with cold water and before I could go out, I heard the front door close. I ran out of the bathroom calling her name to see if anyone would answer, but nothing, so I ran to the front door, which I opened and saw Lucy in her car leaving. Damn I screwed must she feel now. Although we are not dating, I should have supported her. I'll call her...she hang up. Oh, she must hate me.

Lucy's pov:
Kei has been in that bathroom for a long time, probably just waiting for me to leave. So I'm gonna go. I'm putting on my shoes, I get into the car and drive away. I'm actually glad she went to that bathroom because I wouldn't know what else to say. She's calling me. I hang up. I wouldn't know what to say anyway, I think we both need to be alone for a second now. And I assume that what happened between us didn't even mean anything, she probably just wanted to distract herself from what happened at that party. I got home, brushed my teeth, and before I went to bed, I noticed that Georgia had texted me.

                                chat - G Stanway
georgia - Hey Lucy, how is Kei?
lucy - She said she was fine, then I told her about me leaving to Lyon and I think she was crying
georgia - What do you mean think?
lucy - She went to the bathroom and didn't come out so I left
georgia - Ahh shit, I'll go see her tomorrow and let you know
lucy - Okay bye

Keira's pov:
I woke up, it's almost 10 o'clock, I haven't slept in a long time, I guess I needed it. I looked at my phone and I have 2 missed calls from Lucy and 5 missed calls from Georgia. I was about to call Georgia, but someone rang the bell. I went to open it and there was Georgia standing.

keira - hi come in
georgia - are you ok?
keira - yes why?
georgia - Lucy told you already didn't she?
keira - did you know that? Why didn't you tell me anything? Now I don't even have time to spend as much time with her as I would like because she has a flight tomorrow morning at 10
georgia - sorry, I would have told you, but Luce wanted to tell you herself
keira - hmm
georgia - hey she's leaving and you won't see each other for a long time, I don't think it would be good if she left and it would be bad between you two.
keira - I know, I want to talk to her too, but at the same time I don't
georgia - why? *she raised her eyebrows in confusion*
keira - don't tell anyone ok? No one. really.
georgia - ok, so tell me, what is it about?
keira - something happened between us yesterday
georgia - what- wait wait wait,...what the- how, what happened
keira - i kissed her and then we started making out, but then she stopped and told me the news, so we didn't even talk about it
georgia - girl you have to talk to her, go...come onnn go *she pushed me*

I got into the car and drove to Lucy's. I rang the bell and she opened the door. I looked at her like a picture, she was wearing gray sweatpants, a green t-shirt, her hair in a bun and her glasses, which don't suit anyone as much as her. She stood there with her hands in her pockets and we both waited to see who would speak first.

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