"None of your fucking business!" I picked the wrong subject to change too obviously seeing as he has now shoved me back into the wall beside the end table. But I can't just let it go either. I know that my dad can't afford that car and since I can hear footsteps outside the door I assume it safe to ask again.

"Is that your car dad? It's a real nice one. Good company."

"Of course it is you good for nothing little prick!" He lunges at me and I dodge sending him into the end table, knocking over the crystal lamp that was on top.

"Fine I was just curious dad. It's ok no reason to get upset."

"Listen here you piece of shit! What I do has NOTHING to do with you! I'm the adult! My rules are absolute and not to be questioned by anyone let alone a fag! You are going to quit that retarded job and you are going to start fucking some sluts!"

"No." I mumble tightly reigning in my temper I can't lose it now.

"What did you just say to me?"

"I believe he said no Mr.Griffin." Boy am I glad to here that commanding voice now. I didn't even noticed that he had come in.

"Fuck you! What are you his boy toy? Are you a faggot too?" He yells glaring and pointing at Kota as he walks towards him getting in his face.

Now I have got to hand it to Kota he must be channelling Mr. Blackbourne's because he doesn't even flinch when my dad gets all in his face.

"No I am not."

"Dad please..."I try to get him to pay attention to me so Kota can move away. Dad's liable to swing in him at any moment and if he does I won't hold back on him.

"No!" He whirled on me smacking me hard across the face, better me than my brother, "Tomorrow is Valentine's Day! You will bring that girl home and fuck her! What was that bitch's name again? Song? Sing?"

That was the last straw, I slid to the floor and swept him legs out from under him. Once he was down I effectively pinned him. I couldn't stop myself now, no one and I mean NO ONE talks about my Peanut like that! How dare he? I punch him in the jaw hard. Lifting my arm to do it again it's stopped my a hand grabbing it mid swing. I don't seem to register who's hand it is until I hear a familiar commanding voice.

"Enough. Nathan leave him lets go." Kota, the voice of reason himself, thank goodness.

~~~~~~~~~~Kota's POV:~~~~~~~~~~

That imbecile! How dare he -

Before I could even process my thoughts Nathan had his father pinned under him. As I approached to stop him from doing something he would regret he punched Mr. Griffin. The one hit from his son was enough to knock him out cold. But my best friend and brother was so enraged he didn't seem to notice and began to swing again.

I grab his arm mid-swing but he's not registering anything. If I don't stop him he's going to to do permanent damage here. Not that I care one iota about the man, but I know that he is coward enough to call the cops on Nate and I won't have that.

"Enough Nathan leave him lets go."

He seems to snap back to himself and stumbled a bit as I help him to his feet.

"Oh lord Kota what have I done? I just...he said...I..." My friend the ever gentle beast, protective to a fault but never one to fight for himself he always worries himself sick after he had to hurt someone but I won't let him, not for that price of trash father of his. He doesn't deserve Nate's regret.

"You did nothing that the rest of us wouldn't have in your place, even Mr. Blackbourne. But we have to go before he comes to."

I mean every word I say. If it were me in his shoes I would have laid him out too. I may never be one for unnecessary violence but no one will disrespect Sang and get away with it. I manage to get him together enough to leave. As we are making our way over to my house he suddenly stops and looking at him I notice that his gaze is on the Sorenson house.

"Who is with Peanut tonight? I don't see anyone's car." Leave it to him that even though he has all this going one he still thinks of here first.

"Gabe and Luke decided to just walk over after their shift at the dinner to save Victor the extra stop because North had to stay later. She's fine I talked to her just before I came to you, she is safe."

"Ok." He mumbles as we make our way over to my place.

Walking up to my door I look over at my brother. He looks like a monster who just escaped a beating the shoulder seem is ripped, Gabe will flip when he sees that. Thank goodness mom's at work and Jess is asleep because they would feet over him all night and he needs his rest. When we get to my room we go into auto pilot, we have done this so often in the past that we have a routine set. So within the hour we are ready, Nate in his burgundy pj pants and no shirt and me in my hunter green plaid bottoms and plain green top. I got the pull out bed for this very reason, so wordlessly he walks over drags it out and plops down into it.

When I hear Nate's breathing even out I pull out my phone to update Mr. BBlackbourne. He will not be happy. Just as I push the send button the phone vibrates with an incoming text message. At first I am marveling at just how fast the reply was when I notice it was sent by Gabriel.

Gabriel: Oy! Can't wait till you see the fucking fabulous outfit Sang is gonna be in tomorrow! All you fuckers better bow down and thank me now then go take cold cold ass showers! XD

I chuckle under my breathe. I can't wait to see just what he is so worked up about this time. I'm just about to put my phone to charge for the night when I get another text message but this time from 10.

Sang: Hey 52 can you come to pick me up a little earlier then usual? And alone? Gabe and Luke are leaving early to get a ride from North and they are going to take Nathan too :3 I'm so excited for tomorrow!

Me: sure 10 anything for you. I'll let Nathan know to meet them in front of his house. He's at my place right now

Sang: I saw a car in his driver is avert thing okay??

Me: it's all handled he's ok 10. I can't wait for tomorrow either now get some sleep you need your rest.

Sang: you're starting to sound like North :P goodnight and sweet dreams!

I chuckle at being compared to North, no way am I like him. Then I reply telling her goodnight and it took every ounce of willpower I possess to not add an I love you at the end. Soon...hopefully soon.

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