Chapter 24

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Early the next morning, Tor and Cirren found themselves outside the gates of the palace, dressed in the finest clothes Galloway could obtain at short notice.

"I feel almost like a Prince again," Cirren commented, tugging at his collar, which was slightly too tight. "Remind me to purchase some new clothes before we leave here."

"If we get out of here alive." Tor had woken up with an uneasy feeling that something was going to go wrong, leaving him in a pessimistic mood. Seth and Dal accompanied them, dressed as their valets.

Bellak had also asked to go with them. He was concerned over the ease with which the Duke was managing to manipulate the entire country and feared magic was involved. If it was, it could make things difficult for Ellen when she spoke with the Queen. If Tibia was under some sort of enchantment, she would not believe anything Ellen told her and would immediately order her arrest. If magic was in use inside the palace, Bellak was convinced he would be able to detect it. Dressed in a long grey robe, he was to play the part of Tor's chief advisor.

"Should we not have a complete company of royal guards with us?" Cirren asked nervously. "Will the Duke not find it strange that we are travelling alone, without adequate protection?"

"I already thought of that," Tor assured his younger brother. "I plan on telling him the complete truth about our quest, though I will forget to mention that we need something from Tibia's private garden."

As they were almost upon the gates, all conversation ceased and Tor walked straight up to one of the soldiers on duty. "Please inform her Majesty that Prince Tor and Prince Cirren from Remeny are here to pay their respects."

The soldier looked them both up and down. "Yeah right," he said insolently. "If you are a Prince, I am a fieldmouse."

"That can be arranged," Bellak whispered. Tor ignored him, choosing instead to smile at the soldier. It was not a friendly smile.

"If you are unable to do as I ask, I strongly recommend that you send your most senior officer to me immediately before I kill you for your lack of manners."

The soldier tried to reply, but found himself unable to speak, for fear of his Adam's apple being sliced by the sword which had suddenly appeared at his throat. Dal, Cirren and Seth had acted almost as quickly as Tor; the other three guards found themselves in the same predicament before they could go to their colleague's defence.

Doing his best not to move his head, the first soldier slowly moved his hand toward a rope that hung by the edge of the gates and pulled down on it. A bell sounded, followed by the sound of movement from the other side of the gates. They slowly opened to reveal a platoon of soldiers, all with swords drawn. Tor glanced up and found more than a dozen archers standing on the palace balconies, with arrows aimed in his direction.

"What is the meaning of this?" demanded a red faced man who stood in front of the soldiers. He sounded out of breath and had obviously been running just before the gates opened. Tor lowered his gaze once more and regarded the man, noting the insignia on his uniform.

"My apologies for the intrusion Captain, but your man here was being less than polite. My brother and I are visiting from Remeny and wish to speak with your Queen."

"And you are?"

"Princes Tor and Cirren."

The Captain suddenly looked less sure of himself. He gave a quick command and one of the soldiers ran into a building on their right. A few minutes later he returned, followed by a middle aged man with grey hair and a pronounced limp. He took one look at Tor and started issuing orders. While one soldier was instructed to inform the housekeeper that refreshments would be required in one of the main reception rooms, another was sent in search of the Duke. The archers were stood down and all swords lowered.

The Maze - Tor's Quest Book 2Where stories live. Discover now