Chapter 11

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"What!" Torrick roared, jumping to his feet. "How dare you accuse my wife of doing anything that despicable."

Tor released his grip of Cirren's clothing and he collapsed onto the ground, his legs unable to support his body. "She is not your wife," he said dejectedly as Tor tackled Torrick to the ground, preventing him from attacking Cirren. Tor was still trying to get Torrick under control when they were distracted by a friendly voice.

"Did I come at a bad time?" Ban asked, looking down at the struggling men.

"Actually," Tor managed to say, though the effort of holding Torrick in place made speaking difficult, "your timing is perfect. Help me restrain Torrick while my brother explains why he has just accused his wife of treason."

"Treason," Cirren said in a panic. "Who said anything about treason?"

As Tor released his grip, Ban helped Torrick to his feet then held him in a bear hug. "Relax," he whispered to the struggling man. "Let Cirren speak and if we do not like what he says, I will help you defend Liselle's honour." Torrick stopped trying to free himself, but Ban did not loosen his grip.

Tor looked toward Liselle, who had gone pale. "Is there something you wish to tell us before I extract the truth from my brother?" he asked her, trying to keep the anger he felt out of his voice. He did not succeed. She shook her head nervously so he turned his attention back to Cirren. "Well?"

"Please do not do this," Liselle said in a strained voice as Cirren opened his mouth to speak.

"Sorry," Cirren replied insincerely. "You have had your uses, but I have a feeling that if I do not tell the complete truth my safety will be in jeopardy. Besides, your cover is already blown so I might as well tell them everything. It is not as if you had any long term plans with these people."

"Actually I did." She spoke so quietly only those closest to her heard. Cirren continued as if she had remained silent. He faced Torrick, flinching when the larger man met his gaze. Without looking away, he told Torrick his story in full detail, as though they were the only two people present.

Other than her name and the location of events, Liselle's story was mostly true. She had, indeed, been a pleasure slave, much abused by her various owners. Cirren had met her when doing a business deal with the latest Lord to class her as his property and had purchased her. He offered her her freedom in exchange for being his spy for a while. She agreed and they were still discussing how she could infiltrate Tor's team, whom Cirren thought the most likely to solve the clues quickly, when they happened upon Torrick.

He had just rescued his own pleasure slave, who was pregnant with his child, and they were close to the border when her owner's guards caught up with them. Torrick slaughtered them all, but not before his lady and their unborn child were murdered. He was too overcome with grief to be suspicious of Cirren and Liselle and did not protest when they took him to a local witch who Cirren had had dealings with in the past. For a large amount of gold, she agreed to cast a spell over Torrick, altering his memory so he believed Liselle was his beloved and that they had escaped to his mother's farm, where they lived happily together and had a few children. Liselle somehow persuaded him to hunt out Tor and volunteer his services.

Cirren gave her one of a pair of magic boxes so they could keep in contact and she kept him informed of all developments in Tor's team. Whenever Tor, or a member of his party, discovered the location of the next clue, Liselle passed on the information to Cirren at the first opportunity. Cirren then pretended to have solved the clue himself and headed off to the next destination.

By the time he had finished, Torrick was slumped on the ground, all the fight completely knocked out of him. He turned his pain filled face to Liselle. "Tell me it is not true."

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