Chapter 3

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Everyone stared at him in disbelief. "You have got to be kidding me," Ria exclaimed.

Modo shook his head. "I wish I was," he said sadly. "Of course, the rumours may not be true." Nobody was convinced.

"So let me get this straight. First we have to find out where this maze is, then we have to get there. Next we have to enter it, solve all of the puzzles without getting killed, then get out, despite the fact that nobody has ever managed to accomplish this?" Modo nodded.

"Not quite," Brin said, making Ria jump. She had almost forgotten the elf was within earshot. "First we find a way to get Sam back to Allias's palace before she dies."

Tor winced. He had not intentionally forgotten Sam's plight, but it had slipped his mind. Was he becoming as obsessed with the quest as Bellak?

The journey back was tedious. There were no happy conversations around the camp fire at night; all of the usual friendly teasing and banter was missing. Tempers began to fray and petty squabbles became common. Sam did not regain consciousness. Fever continued to ravish her body, though she did not deteriorate noticeably. Each morning and evening, Ellen and Brin attempted to pour water down her throat, but each attempt failed. They began to fear that even if she survived the fever, dehydration would kill her. The only time Brin left her side was to answer the call of nature. A bed was made for her in the back of the wagon, next to Hawk's coffin, leaving just enough room for the elf to cuddle up beside her when he slept.

When they were only a day's ride from reaching the outskirts of Vada, Tor sent Dal and Patrick, with a couple of spare horses, to make for the city with all haste. They were instructed to not only give Mrs Hubert, Allias's housekeeper, advance warning that they were approaching, but to also have the best healers on hand to tend to Sam as soon as they arrived. Dal wondered if they should also put an undertaker on standby, but could not bring himself to ask the question.

The remaining members of the party were only a few hours away from Vada when Sam's fever finally broke, the announcement of which brought much relief. She was still not out of danger, and they had yet to ascertain if there was any brain damage, but it was a step in the right direction.

A room on the ground floor had been prepared for Sam's arrival and various herbs and scented leaves were burning slowly, infusing the entire room with their healing aromas. All curtains and blinds had been opened, making the room light and welcoming, though numerous lamps had been placed inside the room as the sun would not be providing enough light for long. Every witch who had the gift of healing had been summoned to the palace and were ready for Sam's arrival.

As soon as he had placed her inert body on the bed, Brin was unceremoniously thrown out of the room and the door locked to keep him out. Tor, finding him pacing up and down in the corridor, hauled him away to the nearest inn and placed a mug of beer in front of him. Ban, Patrick, Seth and Dal accompanied them and were given orders that under no circumstance were they to permit the elf to return to the palace alone.

The beer flowed and the men drank quietly. Dal sulked as Tor permitted him nothing stronger than grape juice, but refused to leave. Brin's mug remained untouched. Food was ordered and promptly delivered, but Brin did not eat. He remained staring at the table, as though in a trance, looking up only when the door opened in case it was a messenger from the palace. After an hour, having heard nothing, Tor announced he was returning to the palace to find out what was happening and ordered Brin to remain where he was. As soon as he was out of sight, Seth passed his beer mug to Dal and winked. Dal looked nervously at Patrick and Ban, who both nodded their agreement not to mention it to Tor, so he gratefully took the mug and drank deeply. Laughter broke out as he began to choke.

The Maze - Tor's Quest Book 2Where stories live. Discover now