Chapter 7

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It took them three days to find the maze. Each morning, lunchtime and late afternoon, Brin or Oak would climb the tallest tree nearby to confirm that they were heading in the right direction. No paths ran through the forest, so the cart and wagon had to be abandoned and all of their supplies and personal belongings carried. Seth and Torrick managed to find ways of strapping most things to the horses and the donkey. It meant the people had to walk instead of ride, but that was much preferable to carrying everything themselves.

The first day was hard. Walking used different muscles to riding and everyone was exhausted by the time they stopped for the night. The second day was worse as the newly used muscles stiffened overnight, making each step uncomfortable, but nobody complained. A number of streams ran through the trees, so they had a good supply of water, and River and Oak found plenty of edible plants to accompany the game that Tor, Ban, Seth, Dal and Brin caught. Things could have been a lot worse and everyone knew it.

Each night they managed to find a clearing large enough to make a camp in and Ellen and Bellak knew spells to contain fire, allowing them to cook their food without endangering the nearby trees. The effect the forest was having on Brin and the two sprites was remarkable. All three grew up living in trees, or surrounded by them, and never truly relaxed when they were away from them. Although River was a water sprite, her people only ever made their homes next to lakes, rivers and streams that could be found in or near large expanses of woodland. Smiles never left their faces and their happiness seemed to infect the rest of the group, especially Sam and Grimmel.

Each evening, Brin would go exploring and always managed to find a small enclosed clearing he could take Sam to, where they would not be seen by prying eyes. The first night, Sam had been wary of removing her clothes out in the open, but Brin had easily managed to overcome her inhibitions and demonstrated how exciting making love on a bed of heather could be. The energetic sex after walking all day meant they both slept well each night, despite the ground being hard and uncomfortable.

It was mid morning when Tor walked out from the trees and was confronted by a large hedge, tall enough to prevent even Ban from touching the top. It took the rest of the day to find the entrance.

"Frack," Seth exclaimed. "How big is this thing?" They had not even covered the length of one side, despite walking for most of the day. Nobody answered him.

"I wonder if there really is a spell covering it," Dal said, picking up a stick and attempting to throw it over the hedge. Just as it looked like it might clear the top, there was a loud bang and the stick fell to the ground in flames. "I will take that as an affirmative," he continued as he stamped on the remains of the stick, putting out the fire.

"Please do not try that again," Liselle pleaded. "I am too old for sudden loud noises like that. You nearly gave me a heart attack."

"Sorry," the young man replied, genuinely contrite. "I did not know that would happen."

"She has a point Dal," Tor told him in a serious tone. "Think carefully before doing anything in or around the maze. From what we have read, it may be a very dangerous place. The spell may have been designed to kill you." Dal paled slightly as Tor looked about him. "This applies to everyone. Do nothing without getting everyone's agreement first." They all nodded. Tor looked toward Patrick. "That includes you."

The expected reply of 'why me' did not come. Maybe spending time in jail had done some good after all.

The decision was made to spend the night outside the maze and attempt entry the next morning. It was unlikely that they were in any danger until they were inside, but they posted a double guard just in case. Having two pairs on watch at a time meant that nobody would get a complete night's sleep, but they all agreed that the extra precaution was advisable. Brin still found time, and a suitable place, to have some fun with Sam. It would be their last chance for privacy for a while and they made the most of it.

The Maze - Tor's Quest Book 2حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن