Chapter 18

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Nobody in the barn spoke. Modo hung his head and stared at the floor as Tor looked at them each in turn; the only one not prepared to meet his gaze. "Nobody annoyed a King, Queen, Prince or other member of royalty enough for them to wish to detain us? We have had to break out of two jails already on this quest, I do not want there to be a third."

There was no response so Tor opened the door and allowed them to leave. "I feel like I am dealing with a group of school children," he complained to Ellen, who was the last to pass him.

"But you do it well, professor."

Tor smiled. "I am beginning to think that having such a large group was not a good idea. Maybe Cirren and I should strike out on our own."

Ellen shook her head. "You would miss us. Besides, every single person with you has proven their worth. We have all earned the right to continue on with you."

Tor sighed. "I know. I guess I am just tired of continually hitting unexpected problems."

"Have you given any more thought as to how we are going to get into Queen Tibia's garden?" Seth asked as they caught up to the cart.

Tor shook his head. "Not yet. It will give us all something to think about while travelling."

So each evening, as they sat by the campfire after their meal was completed, the question was posed and every night various suggestions were discussed then rejected for being illegal, immoral or just plain impossible. As the days wore on, it was beginning to look as though somehow getting an audience with Tibia and pleading their case was the only action they could take.

They had not been riding for long one morning when Tor called an unexpected halt at the crest of a hill.

"Any idea what the problem is?" Sam whispered to Brin who was, as always, riding beside her. It was Thresnine that answered her as Brin shrugged his shoulders.

"We have reached the Sha-Na plains."

Before them stood a beautiful sight; grasslands stretching further than their eyes could see were interrupted solely by the occasional copse of trees. Sam could just make out some deer peacefully grazing and Brin told her he saw a fox running into its den.

The group turned around and descended the hill, returning the way they had come. There was a large outcrop of rocks at its base which would provide shelter if the wind picked up, making it a good place to set up camp. During the journey it had been decided that, once they arrived at the plains, they would move the horses out of sight while Sam and Brin approached the border of the plains alone. Sam had wanted to go by herself, but was outvoted. She did not wish to place anyone else in danger, but when Brin had pointed out that if he was not permitted to go with her, there was nothing she could do to stop him following, she reluctantly gave in.

A short time later, two lone figures walked hand in hand up the hill, nervously watched by their friends. When they reached the top and started their descent, the watchers began organizing the camp and looking for a water supply. River, being a water sprite, could sense the presence of water, even over great distances, so she was sent off with Grimmel and Ban. They had recrossed the river they were following late the previous day, in order to head for the Sha-Na plains, and River was sure there was a closer supply of fresh water. Once it had been located, Ban would return to the camp with some of their water skins filled and lead the horses back to the new water source.

Brin and Sam did not hurry down the hill, subconsciously delaying the moment when they would come face to face with the animals that may look majestic but could, and probably would, savagely attack them. Nothing marked where the plains began, causing a slight problem with their plan. How were they supposed to not enter the unicorns' territory if there was nothing to indicate a border? Once at the bottom of the hill, they walked forward a little more before stopping and nervously looking around. One of the deer looked over toward them momentarily before returning to nibbling some grass, but that was the only noticeable sign of movement. When nothing else happened for several moments, Sam decided to call out.

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