Chapter 5

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"Can I ask a favour?" Sam asked Allias the next morning during breakfast. The King nodded, so she continued. "Can we have access to your grandmother's maze?"

"Of course you can, but why?" he replied, curious.

"I just thought it might be of some use to practice going around a maze. I know each one is different, but it may give us some ideas on the best way to approach it."

"Good idea," Tor said approvingly. "From what I can see of it, it is overgrown, but the aisles should be passable, especially if we take some sharp axes with us."

"I promised Selene I would have the gardeners fix it up for her," Allias said, a smile creasing his face. "This way, you do most of the hard work and I get the credit for keeping my promise."

"It's the least we can do. Take it as a thank you for being such a gracious host," Sam commented lightly before standing up and heading out of the room to change into her gardening clothes.

"That is easy for her to say," Seth groaned. "She will not be the one carrying the axe."

"From the look of you," Tor observed, "nor will you be. Good night last night?"

"What little I remember of it. May I be excused gardening duty? I think I am going to throw up." He exited the room without waiting for an answer.

Tor managed to suppress his laugh and turned to Dal, who looked full of the joys of spring. "Next time I let you go out with Seth, remind me to instruct you to keep him out of trouble not the other way round. Where is Patrick by the way?"

Dal coughed uneasily. "I think he is still in jail. The woman he chose to seduce turned out to be married to a man with a jealous streak and a vicious temper. A fight broke out and it took nearly a dozen guards to drag them both to the jailhouse. Patrick was only defending himself, I swear."

Tor put his head in his hands and groaned. "Why me?"

"Tor, my friend," Ban said in his usual good natured manner. "You decided who should join you on the quest. You cannot blame anyone else. Of course, you can always leave some behind."

"Tempting, very tempting."

"Stop worrying," Allias joined in. "I will have Patrick released as soon as I have finished the morning court session."

"Is it too much to ask that you leave him there for a while?" Tor enquired. "Just long enough to give us a couple of days head start, for example."

Allias stared at him, not sure if he was serious or not.


By the time Sam had slipped into her gardening overalls and made her way down to the start of the maze, a small group of helpers had arrived. Dal was full of enthusiasm, axe in one hand, sword in the other. Ria had also volunteered her skills, in case climbing was needed. Ban's help would be invaluable, judging by the size of the double bladed axe he had over his shoulder. If that could not clear a path for them, nothing could. Oak and Brin had decided not to join them. Although it was bushes that were going to be chopped rather than trees, neither could bring themselves to partake. Sam had tried to point out that it was good for bushes to be trimmed back, but her comments fell on deaf ears. Modo had joined Seth, Patrick and Dal on their night time excursion, the result was that he had to promise to lend a hand as soon as his head stopped throbbing; Sam was not expecting to see him any time that morning.

Selene wanted to help out, but her midwife had thrown a fit when she suggested it, so they compromised on a stroll around the maze once the hard work had been done. Rupert and Tallon were both waiting for Sam's arrival, swords in hand, though why everyone was waiting for her, she could not work out. She was handed a pair of shears and entered the maze.

The Maze - Tor's Quest Book 2Where stories live. Discover now