"Enid, please. That's like nails on a chalkboard... or claws on a desk in this case."

Enid immediately retracted her claws and put a hand on Yoko's shoulder apologetically.

"Oh, my god! I'm so sorry. I-I didn't realize! I don't know why I was doing that!" Enid rambled, genuinely concerned for her friend's sensitive, supernatural ears. "Are you okay?" she asked in a whisper.

Yoko withdrew her hands from her ears and gave Enid a small smile.

"I'm fine, pup. But what's up with you? And don't tell me it's nothing, because I have watched you glare at Xavier for the past twenty minutes."

Enid sighed, knowing she'd been caught. Yoko was her best friend. She was going to notice her pathetic pining eventually.

Enid eyed the two in the front row. Xavier's shoulder was gently grazing Wednesday's own. She huffed. Wednesday hated touch, yet Xavier was all over her. Yoko followed her line of sight.

"Oh? Oh. OH! No way!" Yoko said in a whisper-yell. A few other students looked at them from the front. Even Wednesday, who looked utterly confused by their antics.

"Shhh! Shut up!" Enid blushed, covering the vampire's mouth quickly. Wednesday narrowed their eyes at them as if she could read their mind. It made Enid feel uneasy.

"Ew, your hands are all sweaty," Yoko grimaced. It wasn't her fault that her scary (and very sexy) goth roommate made her this nervous.

Enid wasn't sure how the teacher hadn't heard them by now. He was writing something on the board and didn't seem to care if his students were paying attention or not. It was their grades, after all.

She removed her hand from Yoko's mouth and gave a short, awkward wave to the other students gawking at her. They all turned around after realizing it was nothing for their entertainment. Although, it was probably slightly more interesting than whatever Mr. Kestis was talking about.

Wednesday went back to taking her well-organized notes. She was basically the only person in class—besides Bianca and Enid—who took notes like they were supposed to. But Enid couldn't concentrate today.

"You bitch!" Yoko punched her playfully on the shoulder.

Enid looked flustered as she squirmed in her seat. "Why am I a bitch?!" She fidgeted with her fingers, awaiting Yoko's response.

"You didn't tell me you had a crush on Wed—," Enid's clammy hand immediately clasped over Yoko's mouth once again.

"Can you please be quiet?!" she pleaded. After a nod of agreement from Yoko, she slowly withdrew her hand.

"Okay, but as your best friend, I should've known this. You should've told me! I mean, I kind of suspected it, but I was waiting for you to say something first," Yoko said, much quieter this time as she stared at Enid knowingly through her glasses.

"Wait a damn minute—you're jealous! That's what that was all about," Yoko motioned to Wednesday and Xavier's table.

"Um... no? Uh- I-I don't know. Maybe?" Enid winced at her inability to form a coherent sentence in response to Yoko's simple question. It was a yes or no, really.

"Well, that just gave it all away. Thanks!" Yoko smirked, pretending to take her own notes. Instead, she started doodling hearts with the letters W+E in the middle of them.

"Okay, so what? Maybe I am!" Enid huffed, slumping in her seat.

Yoko looked back at her best friend. "Cheer up, buttercup. That weird girl definitely has it bad for you, too."

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