Part 18

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From: Roko Jurcevic 

To: Kruno Matas 

June 15th 

My dearest Kruno, 

It's been more than a week that we are married. Even though this is my second marriage, getting married to you felt like starting a new life chapter, like I am being granted one more life. When I saw you there, in front of the wedding minister, I felt my knees buckle. I knew this was something for life, I knew I would die being your husband. 

I am so grateful to your friend Blanka and Slavko for accepting to be with us for the ceremony. I was also very happy when my mother told me she was also coming and bringing my sons, despite Silvija's objections. Having all of them there with me only made our special day even more special. I only don't know if I liked more the ceremony, exchanging rings with you with the support of all our favorite people, or our wedding night where I finally got to touch you, to cuddle you, to feel you. 

I never had such a magical night like that one, so I am still under impression. Making love with you made all the waiting pay off. God, how I loved touching your soft skin! And kissing those full lips of yours! And yes, fucking you felt so much that I even forgot how many times I came during the night, hahaha! 

I am even surprised how supporting my fellow prisoners were to the news of our wedding. Like, not a single one of them tried to insult or attack me. Even my girlfriend-stabbing roommate congratulated me and gave me a hug. The only person who came to mock me was that bitch Silvija. She paid me a visit yesterday. She told she was also getting married, to that waiter boy. And I was especially triggered when she told me he would raise my sons and give them everything I couldn't give them.Love, stability, and a heterosexual, "normal" upbringing. I know she was saying all of that just so I lose my calm. And she succeeded in it. I was so furious that I got up from my seat and demanded that they take me back to my cell. But nevermind her. 

I am now trying to convince the staff here in the prison to allow us to have privacy every once in a while. Unfortunately, so far all I've got is a big no. They keep saying it's a practice only for a newly weded prisoner and that we shouldn't expect any other night like that. 

But I won't give up. I will fight for us until I am alive. 

Come visit me soon. 

With much love, 

your husband Roko 

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