Part 16

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From: Roko Jurcevic 

To: Kruno Matas 

May 14th 

My dear Kruno, 

I can't believe you decided to forgive me just like that. You are such a wonderful person, one of a kind. I promise I will never lie to you again. I felt so bad when you told me how people from your town are treating you now that they know about us two. I am wondering if they are judging you more because we are two men in love or because I'm a murder convict. 

Anyways, I'm getting a similar treatment here. On some days it's okay, but on other days I get teased or even attacked, as it happened four days ago. Drago, a prisoner from the cell next to mine hates my guts. Every time he sees me during lunch, he tries to provoke me with his commentaries. I usually just stay quiet, but that day, I answered him back. He lifted me up and threw me on the floor. I defended myself and we picked up a fight. Long story short, they put us both in solitary confinment for three days. 

Call me as soon as you settle in your new apartment. I want to see the photos of it when you come over. And I am sure a competent dentist like yourself is going to find a new job real soon. 

I don't want you to feel alone like that anymore. You deserve nothing but happiness and good vibes. That's why I wanted to ask you something for a while now. 

I know it's not the time, or even the place, but... would you consider marrying me? 

We could arrange it here in prison, they would bring someone to lead the ceremony. 

I totally understand if it's too early for you or if you're not ready for it. It is a huge step after all.

But everything that has happened between us lately made me think a lot about our relationship, and getting married feels so right, so natural. I want to call you my husband. Tell me what your thoughts are on it. 

Yours forever, 


LETTERS TO MY BELOVED PRISONERWhere stories live. Discover now