Part 3

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Destination: Remetinec prison, Zagreb, Croatia 

From: Kruno Matas 

To: Roko Jurcevic 

January 10th

Dear Roko, 

You don't know how happy I was when I got your letter! At one point I really thought I would get no answer. Then to see that you also sent me your t-shirt as a gift! I was beyond happy, I was... Well, I don't want to be too soppy. Let's just say I'm glad things worked out this way. Your t-shirt was the best present you could've given me. I can feel your scent on it and it gives me the impression I've gotten to know you better. 

As far as your response to me expressing my feelings for you, I expected you to say that you only like women. I mean, statistically speaking, that was the most logical thing to expect. Nevertheless, a small part of me was expecting to hear a different answer. You see, looking at your photos and videos of you in the court during your trial, I must say my Gaydar beeped a few times. You know what I mean? Nevermind. 

You also expressed the desire to learn more about me. Well, as I said, I am a dentist, I am living with my parents in a small, very conservative town. Right now, I cannot afford a place of my own. I am still doing my internship and they are not paying me good. Also, the world is going through pandemic and a huge recession, so I need to think about my future and save some money. In my free time, I like to read a lot and, well, watch porn. A lot of it. I always envied those porn actor guys with ripped bodies and huge dicks. I also wanted to fuck all of them. More precisely, I wanted to be fucked by them, if you know what I mean, again. That's why, recently, I started going to the gym too. I don't really like it there. I know everyone there, because again, small town. And I don't like either one of those guys there. They don't like me either. 

Also, I hate my parents. I mean, I don't want to live with them anymore because I'm twenty fucking seven. But moving away from them will just have to wait for better times. I am also sharing a room with my younger brother, which makes it even more so unbearable. The two of us never really got along well. He was always our parents' favorite son and I couldn't stand him. I still can't. The only real friend I have moved abroad for work. She is also the only one to know about my sexuality. Well, besides you. To be honest, the only person I want to communicate with right now is you. Everyone else makes me want to puke. 

Sorry for the long letter. I tried to shorten it as much as possible because I don't want to bother you. I really want to keep chatting with you. Please tell me more about you. How was your life before prison, how is it now? Tell me if you need my help, I want to do whatever I can to make you feel better there. I will be waiting anxiously for your next letter. 

Yours truly, 


LETTERS TO MY BELOVED PRISONERWhere stories live. Discover now