Start from the beginning

- I know how we're going to pick, you have a cold smile.

- I'm all ears.

- Heads or Tails.

- No, he smiles.

- Head I win, Tail you lose. You carry on.

- Nah, I see what you're doing here, he crosses his arms. How about Head you lose and Tail I win?

- Okay. This solution won't work either. How about you think about a number between 1 and 5 and if we think about the same number, we're going for June?

- You're going to cheat, he shakes his head no.

- Shut up and do it.

- Okay. 3,14159, he shrugs his shoulders.

- That's not a number! How do you want me to think about the same one? You contest.

- Tell it to the mathematicians trying to figure out Pi.

- I meant whole numbers!

- And you were going to cheat! Anyway, I won with Pi, it's going to be in August. He smirks.

- If it's in August, I'm going to ask my mom to be involved in the preparative, you menace.

- That's your nightmare, not mine, he sticks his tongue out.

- Okay, your tone is scary. If we get married in August, I'll do a sex strike. You raise an eyebrow.

- Yes, like it would change a lot, he rolls his eyes.

- Hey, that was mean!

You can't really say your sex agenda is full recently, it's more like the Sahara actually. No matter how many times you've tried, the positions, what turned you on, any variable, it just doesn't work anymore. It's been almost 2 months! Two months when only Tom is getting pleased because it's just super painful for you and it doesn't even go inside anymore. 2 months when you've been on numerous dates, trying to relax for it to work, but no. It's seriously frustrating! You know Tom won't admit it out loud, but you can tell he starts to doubt himself; he starts to doubt how you feel about him... God knows all you want is to jump on him, but the doctor said that you've been through a hard time recently and it could take years to work again. He said "just relax", as if you could relax and stop thinking about how you're not able to please Tom correctly anymore. It's all you can think about recently. You love him, you don't get why your body can't get over a minor inconvenience...

- Yes. I'm sorry. Tom approaches you for a hug.

- You know what? You ask while being in his arms.

- Tell me? He kisses the top of your head.

- The best apology would be to get married in June; you maliciously smile.

- No.

- But we already told my dad!

This conversation has been looping for almost an hour now...




- I like this one, you show him a picture on your computer. He's doing researches too.

You've decided the best way to end the debate was to find a venue and see the availability of the place. You're oddly going to only like the ones unavailable in August...

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