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New Year's Eve! Everything is ready for tonight. Bill and Gustav went groceries shopping last evening, you borrowed a speaker from someone in the village so you could play some music, and you even found a dress you didn't know you packed!

As this is no big party and there is nothing in particular to prepare anymore, you decided to go back to the pool this afternoon. Today's plan is pool, then ice-skating until the rink closes, and then come back to the cottage for celebrations.

You and Tom have been a lot closer today, touchier you would say. You didn't really speak about what happened. You both know it was in the moment and it probably won't happen again. But yet, anytime he can touch you, he does. Dressing up the table? He would touch your hand while putting on the forks. Opening the window? He would bump into you by mistake and then put his hand on your shoulder to make sure you're okay. Dropping something on the table while you're eating? He would pick it up for you and touch any body part he can.

You really don't mind. You even care about these little attentions; it makes you feel happy. You caught some looks between Bill and Georg, that made you realize you were not making this up and something is happening.


You're now in the locker room again. This time you go for the two pieces swimsuit. You don't want to be called a granny again and more, you want to please them. Or especially Tom, but you don't want to admit it. The colour is black, pretty basic. But it's spiced up by 3 rows of laces circling from your waist to your bottom. Very pretty but so unsuitable to play in the water! You feel a bit uncomfortable wearing this in front of the boys. But then you remember a) you've seen them sleep in boxers for half a week now; and b) if you're comfortable enough to wear it in front of the entire beach, why wouldn't you in front of your friends?

There are more people in the pool today. Several groups of retired persons are dispatched between the bubble spa, the regular part of the pool and some are even near the slides, watching over kids.

This time, you make sure no one pushes you into the pool. You're the one pushing Bill. He calls you all the words he knows, making the people around you look shocked. It makes you laugh even harder. Then you jump directly into the pool, to avoid anybody watering you.

After a while, you guys decide to do a slides contest. Georg picks the scariest slide: very dark inside, 15 meters up with about twenty rough turns. The winner will be the fastest one coming from the beginning to the end. The beginning is the ladder to get out of the pool, meaning if there is someone waiting for the slide in front of you, your chances are very low. For the stopwatch, Tom will be standing next to the end of the slide and look up for the time.

Georg goes first. His score looks impressive: only 2 minutes 43 seconds to get out of the pool, go to the 15-meter point, grab a buoy, and slide.

Bill is next. He is probably going to lose. 5 minutes and 12 seconds.

- Oh come on! This game is unfair! A grandpa was walking so slowly in front of me! He groans.

You all laugh at him. The rules are the rules and he wouldn't complain if it would have happened to any of you.

Your turn is next. You try to rush to the 15-meter point, without falling on the wet floor. Once there, you quickly grab a buoy, a bit heavier than you thought. You arrive in front of the lifeguard controlling the slide. A kid is already queuing here, next in turn. You can't lose time for a kid. You decide to go for bribery.

- Listen up, kid! If you let me go first, I'll buy you some ice cream!

The kid doesn't even try to talk back, he agrees immediately, nodding his head frenetically. The lifeguard gives you a bad look but you don't care. Everything for the win!

You sit into your buoy and wait to be pushed. Once done, you scream all the air in your lungs, surprised by the force of water. You can't see anything else but your legs, the inside is very dark. You count the turns, one, two, three... At some point, you finally see light again. You take a deep breath and before you know it, you're underwater.

- Great job! 3 minutes 27 sec- Tom stops in the middle of his sentence. You look at him, his eyebrows are frown while he jumps in front of you. Y/N, careful. He shows you your top.

You take a look at your bra and realize all the laces are undone; you are losing your bra. He comes closer to you, leaving almost no room between your bodies.

- Don't worry, I'll hide you, he winks. Take your time.

You put on the straps again and lace the remaining part against your waist.

- Can you help me with the knot? You ask him, looking up to his eyes.

He was closer than you expected. You can almost feel his breath on your face.

He grabs the laces and begins to tie it. You can feel his fingers touching your skin. This is different from when he was touching your shoulder or even your waist earlier. This time, he touches your bare skin. You hold your breath a bit, you feel your skin shivering.

- Done, he says almost whispering.

You look at each other, not even talking. You can see he struggles to breathe too.

You're interrupted by Gustav clearing his throat. You give him the coldest look you ever thought you could do. Why does it matter to you anyway? This is just Tom!

- Waiting for the scores here! Gustav rolls his eyes.

- Oh, hum... 3 minutes 27. Tom says with a low voice.

- Okay, then my turn!

Gustav immediately rushes to the ladder and Tom focuses on his watch. You are still thinking about what just happened. You want it to happen again. You want more to happen again. You want to feel those shivers, you want to give Tom shivers. You put your head underwater, trying to forget about these thoughts. This is Tom, you can't do that! Or maybe this is just hormones? Your big headache yesterday means your period is pretty soon, every woman is emotional on their period. Yes, that's it. This is all because of your period!

You take your head out of the water and see Bill watching you, smiling maliciously.

You hear a big splash, Gustav just arrived. He has beaten Georg by two seconds! The both of them are fighting like kids now, watering themselves.

Once they are done, Tom gives his watch to Bill and he leaves to the slides. You can see him fall on the wet floor and everybody laughs. He instantly gets up and runs again. This boy will never learn, you roll your eyes. You wait by the end of the slide to make sure he is okay when he arrives.

- Great! 3 minutes 12 seconds, Bill informs him.

Tom grumps a bit, saying he would have won if he didn't fall. You put your hand on his shoulder, to make him turn and look at you.

- Are you okay? You ask, a bit concerned.

- Sure, why wouldn't I be? I'm super strong, see?

To these words, he lifts you up, hugging you super hard.

- Tom, stop, you laugh, I can't breathe.

He immediately releases you by pushing you in the water, as far as he can.

You roll your eyes at him and decide to look for the kid who was in front of you in the slides. You owe him an ice cream after all.



First part of New Year's Eve. I'll try to write the rest today :)

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