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Today is a busy day. You have to put on the next gear for your wedding. You've been talking about it a huge amount of a lot but still haven't start to plan it.

Tom still has hopes to celebrate it in August. He says the temperatures are hotter which would be more comfortable for your guests, to what you replied August temperatures are too hot and you don't want to look all sweaty on your pictures. Then he said celebrating it at the end of august would be the best early present you can give him, to what you answered you don't want your wedding to be associated with his birthday; this should be your shared day and not some kind of present for him, to what he replied all your important dates (his proposal and the day you started dating) were on your birthday, to what you said it's not your fault if he chose to propose on your birthday and you shouldn't pay for it. He also tries to play the aesthetic card, saying that you could take night pictures under the shooting stars rain, to what you replied most cameras aren't performant enough to catch shooting stars and a nice smile at the same time.

Your arguments for a June wedding are solid like concrete. First, the days are longer so the magical moment would last more, to what he said that people will feel guilty to start drinking before sun sets. Then you said more guests would be available because the summer holidays won't have started yet, to what he answered you're giving a year notice to the attendees and if they're not too stupid they won't book holidays on that period. You kept on with the summer holiday argument, saying it would be easier to leave for your honeymoon right after the wedding, to what he made you touch some grass, reminding you you can't afford to pay for a wedding AND a huge honeymoon in the same year. You're now playing your last card:

- We already told my dad we were getting married in June!

- Because you forced me! He groans. I'm sure he won't mind if we do it in August.

- But I will.

- I don't care. August will be easier to celebrate our wedding anniversaries when we'll have a career.

- No. You point at him with your finger. It will just be easier for you because you'll be able to say "oh, it's our 25th anniversary but I'm turning 50 in 2 days, let's celebrate it at the same time". You imitate his voice.

- What would be so wrong? It would be cheaper to organize! He rolls his eyes.

- I don't want our wedding to be about your stupid birthday!

- But it won't! People will even forget about my birthday because it will be the best ceremony they've ever seen!

- Just for one year! Then it will be the spotlight on your birthday again. And have you thought of Bill?

- What about Bill?

- May I remind you you're sharing a birthday? How would he feel about us stealing his birthday?

- He won't care. If Bill had a word in this, he'd like to marry us every day of the year!

- Every day but one, you raise an eyebrow.

- Good thing about August, it's not that one day!

- Ughhh, it seriously starts to piss you off.

Tom doesn't talk. He is intelligent enough to know he is about to start a war if he continues. You take a deep breath, you have to clear out your thoughts and be reasonable again.

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