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You're removing your makeup, watching your reflection in the mirror. This day has been an emotional roller-coaster. First, the argument with Tom. You still need to talk about it. You're kind of hopeful it will go well next time, after all, he was there for you tonight. Tonight. What a night. You can't decide whether it was good or terrible. Terrible because of that creep, because of Tom ignoring you, because of how the both of them made you feel, scared and confused. Good because you had fun, because you bonded with Georg, because Tom helped you and you spend the rest of the night like 2 fingers on the same hand, never leaving each other.

You hear your phone ring. You check it and it's a message from Tom.

T: How are you doing?

Y: Exhausted. Wby?

You're feeling good about him checking on you. It makes you feel safe knowing someone cares about you.

T: Sorry

Y: What for?

    You helped me, there is no reason to feel sorry

T: Not about it

     I'm sorry for today

Y: Oh

      You can. You've been an asshole

T: Shut up. You're not making the apologies any easier :/

Y: Sorry

T: How the table turns, you're the sorry one now :P

Y: Tom. Seriously.

T: Okay sorry

     Bill and Anna talked to me. Something about fate.

You chuckle, remembering Anna's words this afternoon. She really does believe life separates you from people to reunite stronger later.

Y: You agree with them?

T: No

     But I realized I wanted to be the only one pissing you off tonight

     That creep made some good I guess

Y: That's one way to see it...

T: I'm sorry I acted the way I did today. We were 2 in this situation

Y: I'm sorry I didn't speak it either

T: So we call it even?

Y: No.

     Even will be when I'll save you from a weirdo ;)

T: hahaha, I am the weirdo :)

You roll your eyes and shut down your phone. You're glad the oil is not boiling anymore. You don't know if it's going to make a difference but at least you and Tom evened things out.




- Gosh I hate winter! It's so depressing, everything is grey. Anna complaints

Tom kisses her on the forehead while you're thinking about how right Anna is. It's the middle of December, your finals are in a week and the Christmas holidays are in two. It's supposed to be the best time of the year but the weather has been pretty horrible this year and finals ruin all the excitement about Christmas.

- Hold on, it's Christmas time! Gustav excitedly says.

- Which makes me think, what are we doing for New Year's Eve? Bill changes the topic

- Maybe we could do a party at our place? Georg offers

- Oh no! I hate New Year Eve parties! It's always boring and creates drama. You state

- What do you want to do then? Tom asks you

- I don't know... Something special but not a party?

- What about going on a trip? To celebrate the end of finals, the end of the year, and the beginning of the new one? Bill proposes

You nod your head yes; Anna doesn't seem too excited about it and the boys start to discuss whether it's a good idea or if a party wouldn't be easier to organize.

- Where would we even go? We can't book a cheap hotel just 2 weeks before leaving! Georg tries to be rational.

You agree with him. You try to think about a cheap place you could go to, not thinking of anything. Then you remember where your dad used to take you for summer holidays.

- Guys I know! My dad owns this place in the French Alps! I could ask him for the keys, I'm sure he won't mind. You offer, happy your brain worked for once.

- Alps. What would we do in the mountains during winter?

- It's like a lost place in the mountains, you explain. There are about 50 habitants there but as it's very calm there is a retirement resort about 10 minutes away by car. If it's not too cold we could cycle there?

- Oh yes, because we look like grandpas, they would let us in! Tom ironically says. You give him a bad look.

- No. But habitants nearby have like a pass and we can do everything the resort offers for like half price without having to book a room. You explain.

- Like what?

- As far as I remember there is an indoor pool, spa, horse riding, open-air cinema, skying, mini-golf... And there is a youth center about 40 minutes away with laser game, bowling, karting, trampolines... You list everything you can, you really don't want a party.

- Yeah, seems cool, Bill agrees.

Everybody starts talking, trying to decide if they all want to go there, and you all finally agree to go to the Alps, as it's almost free once there.

- I can't come, Anna sighs

- Why? You ask

- She has to go back to Lithuania, Tom answers first with sorrow on his face.

You gently smile at them, feeling sorry.

- But hey! No worries! I would love for you to go and have fun! Anna smiles at your group.

- Are you sure?

- Yes, I am! Listen to me, I'm going to force you to go and have fun. It's my Christmas present, she winks.

You kind of feel bad for her. If you were her, you would hate the idea of your friends going on holiday without you. You frown your eyebrows out of disagreement.

- Y/N, stop worrying. I said it's okay, she says fixing your face.

On these words, you text your dad about your plans and he agrees to lend you the place as long as you don't party there and keep everything clean.

- It's official, we're going to France this Christmas!

Hiii! Kind of short chapter today! Please tell me what you're thinking about it <3

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