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- What happened? Bill worries.

You arrived late to the lecture. Your eyes are red from crying. You cried out of anger, you cried because Tom was unfair, you cried because he ruined your memories.

- I think now is not the best time to talk about it, you whisper back, but I want you to hear it from me and not from Tom.

Bill looks worried and raises his eyebrows. He asks you if something bad happened, and you reassure him nothing terrible is going on.


You're now at the café with Bill and Anna, you're supposed to work on a British civilization paper but you spent your time gossiping.

- Tom was really mad. He hasn't said a word all afternoon, Anna states.

- Yes Y/N! You have to tell us what happened.

- Oh. It's something stupid, you try to smile.

You start to tell them the whole story. How you knew the twins when you were kids, how you were not 100% sure it was them so didn't say anything. How Tom pretended he had no idea who you were just to make you feel bad... You pretty much try to sum up everything without being gaslighted by your emotions.

- We knew each other? Bill was visibly surprised.

- Yes, we did! I even came to your 5th birthday party, you say.

Nobody speaks, and the situation is a bit tense. Bill doesn't know how to react and you don't want to create any more drama. Bill takes a sip of his drink; the silence is awkward.

- Aww guys this is so cute! Why do you act like your cat just died? It's like, faith! Anna finally says. You were friends in kindergarten and meet again in uni. The best 2 times of school life!

You and Bill look at each other, then at Anna, concerned. A smile slowly forms on Bill's face and you all start to laugh. Anna is right, this could be faith! You failed at making them your friends as a kid and now Bill is your best friend and Tom, well he is what he is.

- We should celebrate your reunion tonight. Wanna go to the club? Anna excitedly proposes, she always finds a reason to party!

You all head yes and text Gustav, Tom, and Georg about it.



The music is loud, the room is so hot you feel like melting and most girls don't wear more than bra-like tops. You love this club! The ambiance is really cool, the music is spot on and everybody looks like they have fun. You're dancing in a circle with all the guys, Anna and Tom glued to each other while you found a partner in lip-syncing with Georg. Even if she's here with her boyfriend, Anna often takes the time to shout girly duos with you, screaming at the top of your lungs lyrics you would be ashamed to say in real life. Anna dances with everybody, all of your group had a moment with her, but Tom is only dancing with the boys. Great, you think sarcastically. You're back to the ignoring stage! You go to the bar to grab a drink; you want to forget about this bad part of the night.

- Hey pretty. Do you want a drink? A creepy guy asks you. You get very bad vibes from him.

- No, thank you. You try to ignore him and order a shot to the bartender.

You take your card to pay but Creepy guy hands money first.

- That's on me honey, he tries to wink at you.

You side-eye him and thank him politely with the fakest smile you can pull.

- Hey, you should give me more than a smile to thank me, if you know what I mean.

You simply ignore him and look for your friends in the crowd. Where are they? You can't spot them among this many people.

Suddenly, someone grabs you by the waist and sticks himself to you. Way too close.

- C'mon you whore, just a kiss. The creepy guy says running his hand on you. He tries to pull you closer to him and make you turn around.

- No! Leave me alone. You say putting your hands in between your mouths, protecting yourself.

- You stupid whore, you were happy I paid you a drink. He grabs your butt, still trying to kiss you.

- No. Get off me! You try to look around, wishing someone would come and help you.

Where are your friends? Don't they start to get worried about you? You've been away for so long now. Nobody's coming, nobody's helping. You're going to have to kiss the guy if you want to escape. You pray a kiss is all he's going to ask for. You're still mumbling no, trying your best to escape him but he is stronger than you. Okay, just a kiss. You've kissed thousands of guys. It's just a kiss. You want to cry out of disgust.

- What the fuck are you doing with my girlfriend?

Tom punches the guy back and grabs you by your waist. He kisses you roughly, to show his territory, his hands wide open on your hips. You're not his, obviously he's dating Anna. But there is this kind of weird code with creepy guys where they don't kiss a girl already taken. You're so glad Tom was there. You kiss him back, playing along with this "I date him" thingy until the creep leaves. You kiss him back, to thank him for being there, words wouldn't have been enough for what he did. After what felt like forever and a second at the same time, he moves away from you, stopping the kiss. He takes you by the waits and leads you to the group on the dancefloor.

You keep on touching your lips. You're so glad they touched Tom's and not that creep. He is a good kisser, Anna was right. You feel like you can still feel his lips on yours, this is so weird. You're probably just shocked, that's why you want more from Tom. He was kind of your savior tonight. Who knows what would have happened?



- Are you okay? Bill asks

You nod your head yes. You don't really feel like speaking right now.

- Where is Anna? And Gustav? You wonder, not seeing them.

- Anna drank too much; Gustav helped her get a cab.

You think Tom should be more concerned about his girlfriend missing, but maybe he knew before leaving the group?

- Are you okay? Bill asks again.

You're still touching your lips. You become super self-conscious about your body right now. How your lips feel dizzy, how your eyebrows are frown, how your shirt sticks to your skin because of the heat here. You can still feel Tom's hand grabbing your waist, not letting you go. You feel safe knowing he stays with you. And you realize:

- Yes, I'm okay. You smile

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