She was in love with Enid Sinclair.

Enid had accomplished what others hadn't been able to; she had managed to thaw out Wednesday's icy exterior from day one.

The hug after defeating Crackstone seemed to amplify Wednesday's emotions, making her finally aware of her true feelings for Enid.

She had been doing her best to keep her unwanted feelings at bay, but having Enid as a roommate made it almost impossible.

The seer was determined to not let her emotions slip around the blonde, and her face remained expressionless as always.

Wednesday was shocked at how much the hug stirred up, unleashing all the emotions she had kept hidden over the years. Perhaps she really was like her father.

She knew, deep down, that she could no longer deny it.

Although, she feared that the revelation of her true feelings would cause a rift in their friendship. Wednesday was aware that Enid was usually understanding and accepting of those who had feelings for her, but she didn't want to take any chances. She loved Enid too much to allow her detestable emotions to come between them. Enid was the only one that Wednesday felt truly understood her.

It didn't help that the slightest brush of Enid's skin on hers sent her heart racing. She had to take a deep breath to muffle the sound of it before Enid heard it with her sharpened hearing.

Enid was blissfully unaware, and Wednesday silently thanked Satan for that.

The goth girl secretly wished to be rooming with Bianca or even Yoko, to take a break from the presence of Enid and the way she made her feel. But of course, Principal Majors made sure to arrange the same familiar roommates at the hotel. Yoko and Bianca, Xavier and Ajax, Wednesday and Enid, and Eugene, who had the luxury of having his own room. She was envious of the fact that Eugene had his own space and moments of solitude.

Wednesday had to endure the weight of Enid's head on her shoulder for most of the plane ride, which made it hard to focus on the book she had brought along.

She had the urge to shove her off, but she just couldn't bring herself to do something so mean to a peacefully sleeping Enid. She just couldn't help but feel a certain softness for the werewolf and no one else.

Wednesday's thoughts were interrupted when she felt Enid's body tense in her sleep. Soon came the growls. Wednesday shot a menacing look at the plane's gawking passengers as she shook Enid awake, her movements gentle yet firm.

"Enid," she spoke calmly.

Enid opened her eyes slowly, taking in the unfamiliar surroundings before looking up into Wednesday's eyes as she lifted her head from her shoulder.

"W-Wends...?" Her words were barely audible, mumbled in a sleepy haze. "What's happening?"

"Are you alright?" Wednesday asked. "You were growling in your sleep."

Enid opened her eyes wider—suddenly more awake and seemingly not wanting to make eye contact with the goth girl's piercing stare. "Oh, yeah. I'm okay! Just a bad habit, I guess. I've been doing that since I was little," she said with a nervous laugh.

The ravenette already knew this bit of information, but the growls she heard were much louder and more aggressive than her typical sleepy growls. She was certain something was wrong. Besides, Wednesday could always detect the subtle changes in Enid's behavior when she was lying. She decided to wait before pushing her for answers, resigning instead to watch her intently. Perhaps she would have a conversation with her at the hotel.

Wednesday took note of how Enid forced herself to stay awake during the rest of the plane ride, even as her eyes dropped with exhaustion.

Upon their arrival in Rome, it was already eight o'clock, so they had to go to the hotel to get some rest for the night. Their chaperone, Ms. Claire, dutifully ensured that each of the students arrived at their rooms before she went to her own.

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