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I shoot up from my bed, standing up swiftly and scanning the room for any potential danger, lifting my fists, ready to attack.
My body relaxes from tension, finally realising i am in the hotel room and i am safe.
My breathing is heaving and i look down at my body, seeing it drenched in sweat.

Another nightmare i think to myself as i breath out a sigh of frustration. This has happend multiple times now, im sick of getting no sleep.
I walk over towards my closet, grabbing my workout clothes and throwing them on, knowing i wont be able to get back to sleep tonight.

I quietly exit my hotel room, attempting not to wake anyone in the process. Im still not cleared to do any form of exercise but i cant wait any longer.

I round the corner to see megan and kelly walking down the corridor, giggling at something. I quickly jump back and hide around the corner, crouching behind a nearby bin to hide from the two teammates. Luckily they walked past, too invested in their own conversation to notice me.

I breathe a sigh of relief and walk on, managing to exit the hotel without any more risks.

I begin my run, going at a steady pace and listening to my music, attempting to drown out my thoughts.
I run along the coast road, watching the sun rise as i run, giving me a sense of peace in my life.
I just continue running without thinking or stopping, letting my body and mind take me without any other thoughts.

Christen's pov
"No, no one has seen her" i hear someone speak
"Well she cant of just disappeared. And be quiet before someone hears us." I hear a female voice say
"She isnt in her room, what else to you want us to do" another voice says.
"Find her, she cant of gone far" the female voice says as i round the corner.

I look up to see Jill standing with dawn
They both look up with wide eyes and shocked faces before quickly switching to smile gently at us.
"Hey Christen, tobin. How are you both, sleep well?" Dawn says, attempting to act normal

I look at tobin in disbelief at their bad attempt to brush this under the rug
"Who are you talking about, cant find who?" Tobin asks quite bluntly, taking me and both the older ladies by surprise
"I erm, no one, dont worry" dawn says, now not knowing what to say
"Please, ladies, go and eat breakfast, then we need to make an announcement, ok?" Jill says, in her calm but dominant voice.

We both just nod and walk into the cafeteria, getting our food and sitting with hope and alex

"Hey, have either of you seen y/n? No one has seen her, im getting worried" alex says with a glimmer of hope in her eyes
We just shake our heads gently and sit down
The hope in alex's eyes just disappears as she starts playing with her food.

"Alright, ladies listen up" we hear someone shout over the chatter in the small room
"As many of you know, y/n hasnt been seen today yet, unfortunately we do not know where she is. Please, do not panic, we are searching for her now. Training will continue as normal so please be ready in 30 minutes for the bus" jill says.
The whole room gets really loud as everyone is chatting about y/n. However, our table just stays silent, no one dares utter a single word as we all stand up and leave the room together

"Where has she gone" alex says
"Hey, calm down, they will find her"
"Will they..."

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