Team Bonding

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I woke up the next morning, did my morning daily routine of working out, getting a shower and going down for breakfast
However, when i walked into the breakfast room, the tension was so thick you could cut it with a knife. Everyone was glaring at me, obviously not understanding what I did yesterday.

I walked over to the buffet, got my breakfast and sat down at a random table, on my own, with my food.

I then heard Jill's loud voice from behind me, I turned around to see what was happening "excuse me everyone, can you all look at me please, I know a lot had happened yesterday so that means that today you will have a day off to rest up and we will carry on with traini-"

She was cut off by a phone ringing, it was my phone
I looked down at my phone seeing my boss's name on the screen and I knew instantly it was important

"excuse me, I need to take this" I say still looking at my phone
I walk off ignoring all the glares being shot my way and answered the phone to my boss

"agent y/l/n, there has been a change in plan, you need to get off the assignment and fully keep your guard up on Alex Morgan, we have just got information that she is being the lead target for this group, stay alert agent y/l/n, she can not be hurt, she is innocent"
"Yes I understand sir"

I ended the call there before walking inside, this is fucking bullshit, I've got to spend my whole life around Alex now, this isn't going to go down well

I walk inside to see everyone has left other than Jill and Dawn
This makes me panic a little as I have already lost my assignment
I walk over to Jill to ask her about what happened and apologise that I left

"Hello Jill, apologies for that interruption, I need it on for my job, and that was an important phone call, could I ask you to repeat what you said"
"Well, seeing as tension is high, I have given everyone a day off today, however, there is a mandatory team bonding session going on in Alex and hopes room at the moment, please, go and join them"
"Yes ma'am"
I say walking off

"fuck sake" I mumble to myself, I know they are going to be trying to get information out of me, this isn't going to end up going well at all

I get up to the room and knock on the door. It swings open with christen stood there and she raises her eyebrow up when she notices that it's me

I walk past her and into the room seeing everyone sat in a circle obviously already starting the team bonding session.

I go and sit behind all of them, outside of the circle. I wouldnt have come here if it wasnt my job.

I then remembered I'm here for Alex as I look around the room and notice she and hope are not in the room

"where is Alex?" I ask slightly paniced
"oh, she is in the bathroom with hope" someone says
"oh, OK" I mumble keeping my head down as they all look at me with a questionable look
I just ignore them and look down at my hands, this is going to be harder than I thought

I hear a door open as I look up and see Alex and hope walk out of the bathroom
Alex makes eye contact with me and her face instantly turns to anger

"what the fuck is she doing here" Alex says furiously
"it's a mandatory team bonding session Alex, she needs to be here" I hear carli say as I just stare at her curiously
"whatever" she says rolling her eyes at me and sitting down on her bed

"come on then, let's play truth or dare" I hear Kelly shout enthusiastically
I look up with a confused look knowing that this day is going to be hell for me, they are all so childish as well
This makes me chuckle slightly and shake my head

They all start playing truth or dare as I sit there quietly, taking glances at Alex sometimes, just to make sure she is still here
That was until I hear my name being called

"y/n, truth or dare" I hear Kelly say
"I'm not playing" I say looking st her, giving her a fake smile
"Yes, you are, this is mandatory so truth or dare" she says more demanding this time
I sigh knowing I won't get around this
I contimplate my best option as to not reveal anything about myself and realise dare is my only shot at this

"dare" I say looking at her
She smirks obviously planning this out
"I dare you to take your shirt off"
She says taking me off guard, I thought dares were supposed to be hard, that was the best thing that Could come out of this situation
"OK" I say, taking my shirt off, when I look back up, everyone is looking at me with their Jaws dropped
"what?" I question to the girls
"your body is fucking amazing" I hear rapinoe say, making me chuckle slightly and sit back down

This carries on for a few more rounds before everyone starts leaving the room until its just me and a few girls left, including Alex and hope

"alright, I'm going to leave now" I hear a few of the girls say and leave
I lift my head up to see its only me, Alex and hope left in the room
"aren't you going to leave then" hope says more of a demand than a question
"na I'm good" I say still sitting there, knowing that this is now going to happen often

"why, please, leave, I can't even look at you" I hear Alex say
I sigh at this and look at Alex, my face softening slightly at the tears now slowly rolling down her face
"there is just so much you don't understand, I'm sorry" I say to her, looking down at my hands and then back at her

"I'm staying around you now, whether you like it or not, it's for your own safety, I'm sorry, you will understand eventually, but today is not the day" I say sighing

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