Saving Alex

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Alex looked up at me with tears in her eyes and a confused look on her face

"please just tell me what is going on, the love of my life has just left me, because of you, now tell me what is going on" she demands, getting angrier and louder as she spoke

"I'm sorry Alex, I should leave now" I say to her, genuinely apologising. I rest my hand on her shoulder slightly and then leave

I head to my room and open my computer, logging into the tracker I just put on Alex and put it on my watch as well. This also includes a camera, just incase it is needed.

I feel bad for intruding her privacy but it's for her own safety, as well as my job

I still carry on with my mission as there is not much I can do for the moment but wait.

Eventually it becomes time for dinner, my watch beeps notifying me Alex has left her hotel room
I leave my room quickly and start heading towards the dining area before going and getting my food and sitting down on my table that I have claimed now. I sit on my own as usual and quietly eat, glancing at Alex sometimes.

I eventually finish and head back to my room, getting showered and changed before going to sleep

*beep* *beep* *beep*
I groan as I sit up, and immediately panic as I see that Alex has left her hotel room

I quickly get changed, get my equipment and leave my hotel room, attempting to track Alex down

I run around the streets trying to follow Alex but she has gone quite far now.
I hear a scream echo from the next street over making me sprint towards the noise

I turn the corner to see Alex cowering in the corner with 3 men standing over her

"please, leave me alone" Alex says with tears streaming down her face
"shut up" one of the men says to her before grabbing her arm harshly

I run up towards the men and hit two of the men in the back of the head, knocking them out instantly
The last man turns around to look at me as I drag him off of Alex and throw him away from her.
He gets up and attempts to punch me I dodge it but get pushed againsed a wall and hit on my head with a gun, making my head pour with blood, he attempts to punch me again but I catch it, hit him in the head making him pass out
"idiots" I mumble to myself before hearing whimpers from behind me

I turn around seeing Alex looking at me terrified before I realise I still have my mask on
I slowly take my mask off and head towards Alex cautiously

"hey, Alex, it's me, y/n, your OK" I say to her, picking her up gently as she shakes in my arms, I hold her for a little while as she calms down before she looks at me
"are you hurt?" I question her, trying to keep my voice calm
"m- my leg hur- hurts" she says before putting her head in my neck
I look at her leg to see a deep cut in it, I'm confused until I look over to see some glass on the floor with blood on it

I sigh before realising that she probably won't be able to walk.
I start the long treck towards the hotel, the fitness training finally playing its part.

It ends up being 7 AM at the time we arrive back and I have many people looking at me with conserned looks

"nosy fuckers" I mumble before walking up the hotel stairs and into the hotel

"let's not panic now, I'm sure she is fine" I hear Jill say as I enter the hotel room with Alex in my arms, everyone is facing away from me except Jill who looks at me with wide eyes

"what is going on y/n!" jill shouts at me making all the girls turn around to me and start to panic
I ignore all of them before heading towards my room knowing that she still needs to be cleaned up.
I entered my hotel room and go straight to the bathroom where my first aid kit is

I sit Alex down on the counter realising she is asleep
I start to shake her slightly, trying to wake her up
"hey, Alex, I need to clean you up" I say, trying to be nice to her

She wakes up and nods her head at me, not saying anything to me

"this is probably going to hurt so squeeze my arm" I say to her as I start stitching up her leg
She clenched her teeth in pain and starts to dig her nails into my arm but I don't mind

"and done" I say to her
"thanks" she mumbles
"what happend back there" she says to me curious, I then realise that Im going to need to tell everyone about this, there is no way around this now

"fuck" I mumble to myself
"look, Alex, ill tell you with everyone else, it will be easier that way OK"
She nods her head at me as I sigh

*bang* *bang* *bang*
"y/n, open this door now" I hear Jill shout
"can you walk?" I question Alex
She hops down off the counter with my help but immediately falls down in pain
I catch her before she hits the floor, pick her up and carry her towards the door

I open the door to see a lot of furious faces in front of me

"y/n, your face, there is blood everywhere" christen says sweetly
I walk past them all and go straight to hope
"let's go to your room" I say to her through gritted teeth, pissed off already
She nods her head at me seeing my anger and heads towards her room, opening the door and letting me in

"Which one is your bed?" I whisper to Alex as she points to the bed furthest away from the door
I nod my head at her and sit her down on her bed gently, trying not to hurt her leg anymore than it already was

"so, y/n, are you going to explain what happened" I hear from behind me
I turn to see all the girls in the room now

"well, you see.."

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