My decision

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"wh-what do you mean? You are home, you are with us" Tobin says, hearing a slight bit of sadness in her voice, making my heart hurt.
"No, you are not, i need to go home, my home, and i wont be returning, goodbye girls" i say, looking up to see christen and alex with tears in their eyes. Tobin is stood there trying to keep her face emotionless, but i can see the hurt in her eyes. I look towards hope, seeing an angry look on her face, i can tell instantly that this isnt going to end well.
"You are joking right" hope says, scoffing at the end of her sentence in disbelief.
"After everything, everything you put this team through, these girls through, what you put ME through, and you are just leaving, like that??" She says, raising her voice as she speaks.
"I-" i attempt to speak, but am immediately interrupted by hope
"No, no, you do not get to come up with some shitty excuse, you dont get to just leave like this, p-please" hope says, stuttering on her words slightly, lowering her tone, the sadness in her voice apparent.
"Im sorry, i-" i begin to say, but have no words left
*Ughhh* i shout in frustration
"I, its just so hard to explain" i say, realising i dont know how to tell the girls that i am leaving for them, not for me.
"Please, help us understand, you cant just leave like this" Christen says, taking my belongings from my hands and walking towards her and tobins room
I look at the rest of the girls in confusion on what just happened
They all look at me with a hopeful look before hope puts my arm around her head, helping me back towards christen and tobins room
Tobin comes and helps me from the other side, attempting not to hurt me anymore.

We eventually reach their room, alex opening the door for me as i step into the room and the girls help me sit down onto the bed.
I shuffle and move myself so my back is pressed up against the back wall, supporting my weak body.
The girls all sit on the bed, facing towards me, hopeful for answers.
"Im assuming you all want answers now" i say, looking towards the group of girls who i have become eager to protect
They all nod their heads slowly. I look at alex, who is sat on my right, giving me a soft smile, touching my arm slightly in comfort.
"I need to leave, i don't want to, i really dont, but you deserve better" i look up towards the girls, who all have a sad look in their eyes, but nod towards me to keep going, not interrupting me.
"You are not safe with me, ive put you all in so much danger, you are all miserable. I walked past the cafeteria to see you all sat in silence, i cant put you through that all again" i say, finishing my sentence, looking at the girls for their response.

Hope is the first to speak up, letting her thoughts known about the situation
"Y/n, we wasnt in danger, we were never in danger, because of you, you saved us, you saved alex."
"Yeah right, if it wasnt for you, who would have known what would have happened to me, how would i have known my husband wasnt actually my husband, you saved my life" alex says, smiling at me
"Y/n, we all care for you so much, please, dont leave us, we would be lost without you" tobin says, now seeming vulnerable
"Please, we need you, dont leave us, dont leave me" Christen says, touching my arm in comfort
"What if i hurt you all again? I cant risk putting you all through the stuff i went through" i say, worried about the girls safety
"We would be more at risk without you, please, stay" alex says
"I- fine, but, im going to need another agent here for the time being whilst i am in recovery" i say, looking at them all
"Yess!" They all shout, jumping on top of me to hug me
"Owww" i say, making it apparent that i am hurt
"Right, yes, recovery, my bad" hope mumbles, making the other girls giggle

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