Revealing Him

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"what are you talking about y/n, don't be so stupid, this is my husband, don't be so stuck up just because you hate us, your a fucking prick, fuck off" Alex says, clearly pissed off with a lot of the girls backing her up

They don't know what they are getting themselves into.

"no, you don't understand, Alex I said step back, your going to get yourself hurt" I say seriously to her

Servano looks at me with a questioning look
"what's going on?" I hear from behind me, I see most of the girls are gathered around us now
"alex, I'm telling you, step away before I make you" I say in a threatening tone, I'm not trying to seem like a dick, but if it's for her safety, then I don't care

She steps back cautiously
"what's going on y/n?" Jill says from behind me, I don't answer her at look at him with a threatening look

"so, Michael, how long have you been here for" I say smirking
This seems to take him back slightly, his eyes widen at the name but then his face seems to turn hard again and he smirks
"well we'll well, agent y/l/n, good to see you again, I thought I recognised you from somewhere"
I look at him, anticipating his next move

He attempts to hit me but I dodge it easily and grab his hand, twisting it behind his back as he grunts slightly in pain.
I kick him in the back as I see him smack against the floor

"what the fuck are you doing y/n?" I hear Alex shout but I am not focusing on her
I hit him around his head as he drops to the floor and I go and handcuff him
"it's over now Michael" I whisper in his ear

"what's going on y/n" I hear Alex shout but I just shake my head
"servano... What's going on?" she questions him
"fuck you Alex, I never loved you, I just used you, your popularity helped me in this, your so stupid" he says, smirking at her
"wh- what are you talking about servano" Alex says with tears in her eyes
"I'm not servano Alex, fuck off and stay out of my life, we are done" he says seriously

I hear Alex break down as I remove Michael from the room.
I see my boss standing in front of the hotel
"good work agent y/l/n, but there is still more to do, you need to stay, even if they all know, you may leave now" he says to me

I nod my head in his direction and walk back into the hotel
I look at Alex as hope is holding her as she is sobbing. My face softens at this sight slightly but hardens again very quickly

"what the fuck was that about!" I hear someone say on my left, I see Kelly there stood with a serious look on her face, obviously being extremely protective of Alex
"I just fucking saved her life, that's what that was about, leave it now" is all I say with a serious look on my face

I start to walk of to my room but get my arm pulled by someone, I turned to see hope stood there
"so your actually not going to tell us what happened back there" she says seriously
"no, I'm not, you will find out soon, but today is not the day, now let me leave" is all I say, dragging my arm back and going to my room

Hope's pov
I run back over to Alex, holding her in my arms once more, what a prick she is, she acts like she runs everything.

"you deserve more Alex, come on, let's get you back to your room" I say to Alex and start walking with her towards the elavator
"I don't even know what happened there, my head just won't process it hope" Alex says sobbing into my shoulder uncontrollably
"I know Alex, we will get answers, I'm sure of it, but for now, let's just focus on you, let's get you showered and changed and we can sit and watch a movie, yeah?" I say, trying to be as nice as I can
"ye- yeah" Alex says as we arrive at our floor
"come on then" I say, leading her to our room and letting her go shower

What the fuck just happened. One minute we were peacefully talking to servano and the next, y/n was putting him in handcuffs and he admitted that he used Alex.
This is too much for me, let alone Alex

*click* I look over to see Alex walk out of the bathroom with puffy eyes but freshly showered
"hey" I say to her smiling, opening my arms for her to cuddle into
She slowly crawls into my arms and we sit there peacefully watching our favourite series

Y/n's pov
I walk into my room, go shower and get straight onto my laptop, getting into a meeting with my boss
"Hello sir" I say professionaly
"agent y/l/n, I'm happy with your work today, but it's not over, there will be more of a target now on you and the uswnt, your mission now is to carry on with your current one, but also be the bodyguard of the uswnt, if you can avoid any questions then you should, keep yourself on the downlow for now, they can't know what's going on, but you need to protect them, especially Alex, she will be on their hit list now"
"Yes sir, I understand" I say understanding the instructions I've been given
"good, you may leave now" he says

I leave the meeting and sigh loudly
"that could have gone better" I mumble to myself as I turn off my computer.
I get my clothes and go shower before changing and getting into bed
"tomorrow is going to be a longgg day" I mumble to myself already half asleep before I feel my eyes get heavy and I fall into a peaceful sleep

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