Telling Them

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"come on in and sit around" I say defeated, there was no way I was getting around this anymore

They all enter the room and sit down in a big circle around me

"right, well, ask your questions then" I announce as I know it will be easier this way

"why are you and Alex hurt?" christen says in a sweet voice
I look at Alex for confirmation of telling them about what happened as this doesn't just include me

"Alex was attacked by 3 men, I fought them off and took Alex back here"
"why were you out anyway?" jill says a little harsh
"erm... Well" I say, becoming nervous, I know some of the team will hate me after I say this

So, I don't tell them everything
"I followed Alex, I was awake anyway and I wanted to make sure she was safe" I say, putting as little information as I could in there

"why do you keep getting phone calls and leaving" someone else asks
"it's for my job, it's very important and I need to be alert at all time"
"why, what is your job?" hope asks
"because my job is very serious" I say, ignoring the question about what my job is

"y/n, you need to tell us everything, what is going on? And if you don't tell us, I have no option than to remove you from camp" jill says to be seriously and glaring at me, obviously not impressed with my behaviour

"OK, I'll tell you, but you guys are not to say a word to anyone, OK? I'm serious about this, it could put everyone here's life at risk" I say looking around at everyone
They all nod their head, looking a little scared now

"I work for an agency, I'm an undercover agent, the best in my field of work, I work to take down dangerous individuals. That is why I'm here mostly
My assignment was to stay undercover here as my boss knew I would get a spot on the team, it would help we work closer to my assignment. Unfortunately, because of Michael, or as you all know him as servano, my assignment was changed. Alex was now at risk, serious risk, that was why she was attacked, they worked with Michael and wanted to hurt Alex. Because of this, my assignment was changed, Im now a full bodyguard of Alex and I am not allowing her to get injured"
I turned and looked at Alex
"I apologise, but I did put a tracker on you, it was the only way I could keep you safe without you knowing anything, I removed the tracker when I was stitching your leg up, I'm sorry" I say, letting everyone know everything

They all look at me with their Jaws dropped
But one thing I wasn't expecting to happen, happened
Hope stood up and hugged me
"thank you, so much, if it wasn't for you, Alex could have been seriously hurt, or even killed, thank you so much" hope says quietly
I start to hug her back
"no problem" I say, not knowing what I should say

"OK, now that is cleared up, everyone go down for breakfast, we will have a team meeting soon to see what we need to do about this situation" Jill announces so everyone starts leaving the room.

"y/n, we need to get you cleaned up, you have blood everywhere"
"no, it's fine, I can do it myse-"
"no, you will not, Dawn, can you please sort y/n out"
"Yes Jill" dawn says
Jill then looks back at me
"then, you will go get showered and meet us downstairs"
"Yes ma'am" I say, not wanting to argue with Jill

"OK, go into the bathroom, we will stitch it up in there" dawn says to me

I walk into the bathroom, sit on the side as dawn enters and starts to stitch up my head

"don't do anything stupid from now on, please" Dawn says to me
"no promises" I say to Dawn, smirking slightly which makes her chuckle
"thanks Dawn" I say as I jump down and head to my hotel room

I enter, go into the bathroom and go get into the shower, cleaning myself off
The water is just just blood and dirt for a while before it starts to become clear

I get out of the shower after I'm finished
I get changed into some fresh clothes and head towards the dinning room
I enter and for the first time, no one looks at me and they act normal.
I get myself some some breakfast and sit down in my normal seat, however, it isn't just me who sits there, some of the girls came and sat with my and I felt surprisingly comfortable around them, although I didn't really speak to anyone.

Eventually, we all head towards the meeting room and we all sat down

"now, you are all here because we need to have a discussion about this situation and what precautions we need to take, so, y/n, can you come on up and speak with everyone"
I nod my head at her and stand up in front of everyone

"right, so, this is what we need to do"

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