Chapter 15: Hooked into the Situation

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"Hey why are you resting!" Usopp questions me. "I mean not even Zoro is sleeping right now. Aren't you worried about Luffy?!"

I opened one eye. "I'm just resting for one, and I trust my friend. What about you? Don't you trust your captain?" I returned the question.

"Of course I do!" He responded.

I closed my eye once again. "Then all is well. Instead, focus on how you will defend yourself once we arrive." I remind him gently to redirect his attention from worrying about Luffy.

After sometime, Usopp calmed down and started to tell his famous stories. For them being completely made up on the spot, they were actually quite entertaining. It was also cute to see Chopper hanging on to every word of the story like it was the truth, and Usopp's confidence growing from the praise.

Deciding I had enough rest, I sat back up and opened my eyes. The first thing I saw was Zoro lifting up a camel, using the side of his sword for training.

Nami seemed to have been watching for a bit. "Zoro, aren't you just wasting your energy doing that?" She semi scolded and questioned simultaneously.

"Shut up!" He responded.

"Just leave him alone, Nami-san." Sanji suggests. "If they aren't doing something, they can't keep focused. They're not that adapted, especially that muscle freak now that he's had a taste of the power the Seven Warlords have."

"Oi, what are you trying to say? Just spit it out." Zoro challenged the blonde, who wasn't even looking at him.

"Ah, you want me to say it? You're worried. You're worried about Luffy not making it back." He accused, while watching the sunset on the horizon.

"Who, me?! Scared?! Why you!"

"That's it!" Sanji retorted.

They started to square off only for Nami to pound them on top of their heads.

"Nami, save your energy. You'll need it for later." I comment.

"Oh, right!" She smiled slightly at me.

"As for Luffy," I turn to look at the boys. "Like I said before. He'll return. Nothing will keep him down, he will just bounce back." I look off into the distance, seeing if we are near our destination.

Seeming to focus back in, Nami starts to make plans for once we arrive, but I mostly tune them out until I hear Usopp's panicked voice once again.

"What?! The crab can't take us across the river!"

"Moving crabs are creatures of the desert, so they don't take to water." Chopper explained for the now dubbed "Pinchers" the crab.

"But it's a crab!" Usopp retorted. He then started to explain that there would still be a lot of desert to cross after we crossed the river.

"Hey, I can see the Sandora River!" Sanji pointed it out in the distance.

Nami then attempted to convince the crab to help us out. Chopper then remembered that the crab loved dancer girls, so Nami stripped to show her dancing outfit she's had on since the beginning of the journey.

Once the crab saw Nami, it went into overdrive, charging at twice the speed he was originally going. He entered into the water going the same speed before he started to sink into the water.

Zoro gave me a piggyback ride along with Chopper. Sanji was still too distracted with Nami's earlier stunt to have even noticed.

"Aren't there any boats?" Usopp asks Vivi. "How many kilos is the river anyways?"

The Copyist (One Piece & OC)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin