10. I Will Be Fine

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You looked at them both struggling to believe what you had been told.

A real gang? You had been living with criminals..

'So what are you going to do now? Are you going to continue to cry? Are you going to run away?' Minho chuckled.

You couldn't think your mind was filled with so many thoughts.

'You gotta be strong if you're going to stay here Y/N, not only did Chan and I not trust you to begin with. We also wanted to protect you, if you wanna to get mixed up with us you gotta be strong. No crying.'

'Cut it out Minho. You can't expect her to just be okay with this, she has never experienced anything like this before.' Seungmin slightly scolded him.

Minho was right though, although you still couldn't believe it, Minho was injured, the boys were fighting for their lives upstairs. This is not the time for crying, although how many times was you going to get dragged through hell?

You looked at what Seungmin was doing, it seemed the bullet was already removed. Minho winced slightly at certain contact made.
You didn't know what to do in this situation, you felt useless.

Seungmin was very quick at what he done, it didn't take long for Minho's arm to be covered. Immediately Minho stood up walking towards the door leading out of the medical room.

'Where do you think you're going?' Seungmin followed behind him.

'I'm going upstairs to help, I may be injured but that's not going to stop me from helping my brothers out.'

Seungmin grabbed the back of his shirt.

'Are you actually stupid?! There's no way I can let you go back upstairs.'

Minho glared at at the younger male for what felt like eternity
'Remember who you're talking to.' Minho swatted his hand away.
Minho proceeded to turn the handle and swing the door open, he then made his way upstairs.

You was so worried, especially thinking about Jisung, Felix and Jeongin. Mainly because you just couldn't picture them being in a gang or murdering people..

Seungmin chased Minho upstairs, you followed behind Seungmin. The door leading down to the basement was slightly ajar as if someone had tried to go downstairs.
Minho peeked through the door crack, his eyes slowly fell down to something blocking the door preventing it from opening.

As Minho tried to open the door more you noticed an arm fall down onto Minho's foot making your heart stop.. It was a dead body.

'Please don't be one of the boys.'

Minho kicked the hand away and managed to push the door open fully, upon closer inspection the body belonged to one of the attackers. His head had been blown off.

Weirdly it was silent outside, Minho ran off down the hall, Seungmin grabbed your hand before peeking out of the door frame checking there was no one around.

Pulling out a small shotgun that he had hidden in his back pocket, Seungmin slowly walked out making sure you stayed well behind him, there was no one around apart from the dead body by the door.
Seungmin slowly walked down the hall towards the front room, he held the gun up towards the ceiling and kept a tight grip on your hand, again no one was around.. Was they dead? Or had they been taken?

Seungmin led you towards the kitchen, someone came up behind the both of you covering both of your mouths.
In a state of panic you let go of Seungmin's hand, you tried to scream and scratch the attacker.

'Hey calm down it's me!' That voice, it was Minho.

You stopped what you were doing and peeked over to Seungmin who was relaxed and calm. Minho dragged the both of you down to a crouch, hiding behind the door leading into the kitchen.

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