8. 'X' Marks The.. Tree?

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Jeongin walked a few feet ahead while you and Changbin hung behind, Changbin was pretty chatty with you.

'So we usually get firewood early hours of the morning but It's fine doing it at this time today as Chan has already looked around the area for-'

Changbin was cut off by Jeongin sharply turning his head towards him and giving him a look that made your blood go cold.

Changbin froze and awkwardly let out a laugh, before you could question anything you noticed Jeongin was leading you towards a tree that had a faint 'X' carved into it.

'This here' he tapped the 'X'

'We don't ever pass this point okay? Try to not come this far out, i'm just showing you this so you know for the future.'


Jeongin held up his hand to silence you.

'Look- please just trust me on this, i'm sorry Y/N I know how you must be feeling.. But please try to understand I can't tell you anything.'

You hung your head, you were confused and frustrated, how can they tell you all this and not explain why?

Jeongin then started picking up certain pieces of wooden branches, Changbin helped.

'We usually pick up firewood from around the back area of the cabin, which is where I heard you was found.' Changbin informed you.

Jeongin let out an irritated groan.

'I forgot to bring something to carry the wood in, I'll be back In a minute.' he jogged back off in the direction of the cabin.

Your eyes fell back on the carved 'X' you walked up to it to get a closer look.

'Can't shake the thought of what that X mark is for can you?' Changbin chuckled at you.

You furrowed your brows and gently traced the outline of the 'X'.

'I just don't understand, if Jeongin trusts me so much why doesn't he tell me anything.. Hyunjin said all of you have secrets, I keep getting told all of this crap so you can't blame me for being so curious.'

Changbin raised his eyebrows.
'Hyunjin told you that?'

He then scoffed.

'Of course he did, that fucker can't keep his mouth shut.'

'What does this all mean?' You looked at Changbin who was now pinching the bridge of his nose, he appeared deep in thought.

'Well I trust you Y/N, I am willing to tell you a bit more in the little time we have left before Jeongin returns. But what do you wanna know?'

Your eyes lit up.

'Really! You would really tell me?'

He nodded his head.

'Well if possible I wanna know everything, how did you end up here, how did you meet the others?'

Changbin stood up from where he was kneeling.

'Well I can't tell you how everyone got here, that's for them to say. However for me..'

*Flashback to fourteen year old Changbin in high school.

You was being forced up against the wall, there was nowhere to run you were surrounded by the boys you once called your friends.

'Well does he want to steal anything from my lunch today?' one of the boys laughed flicking your forehead making you wince slightly in pain.

'I don't think he needs anymore food!' The other boy responded poking the side of your waist.

'So you think it's still okay to steal other people food?!' the boy was now right in front of your face, you avoided eye contact at all costs.

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