9. The Truth

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Later on that evening when you had returned from collecting firewood you spent the rest of the evening in your room.

You lay on your bed, eyes closed.

Honestly your brain was fried, the 'X' you didn't get any answers on why you can't go beyond that point. However..

Your brain got flashbacks to Changbin's face when you mentioned about the gang. chills spread over your body.

Gang? Bad gang? At first you thought It was just a silly little gang but now after the look he gave you..

*Knock knock*

You sat up from your bed.

'It's me Jeongin, if you're feeling hungry Felix prepared some pancakes downstairs, feel free to have some.'

You got out of bed and opened the door and was face to face with Jeongin.

'Thank you, I will come down now.'

Jeongin led you downstairs, in the kitchen you were greeted by Felix, Changbin, Jisung and Seungmin. Minho, the other boy you didn't speak to properly was sat by the island counter.

He didn't acknowledge you.

'Have a seat next to me!' Jisung who was sat next to Minho patted the seat next to him for you to sit. You sat next to him. Jeongin sat the other side of you.

Felix, who was wearing a pink apron with a kitten printed onto the middle of had his back turned away from the group, he was busy frying away the pancakes.

'Dinner is served!' Felix turned around holding two large plates full of delicious fluffy looking pancakes.

He laid the plates down on the table, the table was set with all kinds of toppings, yoghurts, fruits, syrups, chocolate spreads, cream.

It all looked delicious, however you noticed Hyunjin and Chan still hadn't returned.

Jeongin lightly nudged your arm with his elbow.

'Aren't you hungry?'

You realized you had been staring off into space. You gave him a smile and continued to load your plate up with pancakes.

You were mainly silent whilst eating, Minho spoke a lot to Jisung you could tell they were pretty close. The pancakes tasted delightful, you noticed a separate stack left on the counter still.. Were they for Hyunjin.. When would you see him?

A little later once everyone had finished eating. You helped tidy up, you and Jeongin were left in the kitchen.

'I'll be going to bed soon Y/N.'

You nodded letting out a yawn.

'I'll head to bed when you go up too then.'

You heard the front door open, your heart began to race.

Two figures appeared from the darkness of the front room into the light in the kitchen..

Chan and Hyunjin, both men were drenched in sweat and that's when you saw it..

On Hyunjin's white tank top.



Your eyes shot opened and you visibly jumped.

Chan's eyes flickered in your direction, he then put an arm around Hyunjin leading him towards the leftover pancakes.
You felt Jeongin's hand slip into yours.

'Let's go upstairs now.'

You nodded. Still staring at Hyunjin's shirt, you were dragged by Jeongin out of the kitchen and up the stairs. You arrived at the room you were staying in, you both entered and Jeongin closed the door behind him.

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