6. Confessions

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'So Y/N, are you any good at games?' Jisung asked holding up a controller.

'What game is it?' You sheepishly asked.

You looked at the TV and saw what looked to be some cartoon characters racing in karts.

'Only one of the most popular games of all time Mario Kart! ever played it before?' Han asked taking your hand once again guiding you to an empty beanbag next to him.

You sank into the bean bag as Hyunjin leaned over Jisung, pushing the controller into your hands.

You had heard of Mario Kart but never played it, the controller you held was pretty small.

'Wait! I don't have a clue what i'm doing.'

Felix dragged a beanbag next to you throwing himself into it.

'We are playing it on Nintendo Switch, the controllers are easy so you use this stick thing to move around.' Felix gestured to the switch thing he was talking about moving it up and down. He then explained the other controls to you.

'I think I get it. What about the game?' You asked.

Hyunjin began to explain.
'So basically it's a multiplayer racing game we are up against twelve other racers, you choose a racer and pick a circuit to race in. You can pick up boosts a long the way that can help you go faster or sabotage others to win first place.'

You stared at him blankly trying to process what he told you.

'Don't worry, you will understand as we play, It's easy.'

Hyunjin set up a new game.

'Choose your character!'

You chose a green looking dinosaur known as 'Yoshi'

Felix screamed.

'No! You stole my Yoshi!'

The game then began.

At first it difficult learning the controls, but after a few more games you got it more, the game was pretty entertaining.
You hadn't played a game console in years. You, Felix, Han and Hyunjin spent the whole night playing games, eating cheesecake which Han seemed to love and talking until early morning.

Unfortunately you didn't win a single game, however you was close at one point until the last second when Hyunjin sent a blue shell your way causing you to land second place.

You looked at the alarm clock in Felix's room, it was 4AM, you wasn't playing Mario Kart anymore but the TV was still on. Han was passed out across Felix's bed, Felix was fighting to keep his eyes open on the beanbag next to you. Only you and Hyunjin seemed to be fully awake still.

A comfortable silence filled the air, Hyunjin had one arm up resting on the end of the beanbag. He turned to look at you.

'We should get to know each other.'

'Oh, um well what do you want to know?' you stuttered on your words.

Hyunjin moved onto the beanbag Han was previously sitting on.

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