Chapter 7 || Your Princess

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"mmh..." ariah stirs in her place, too sleepy to open her eyes even though bright lights from the window try to blind her. she's oddly comfortable under the warm covers, a pair of arms draped over her body, making her the little spoon in the spooning, soft kisses are being peppered along her jawline like light butterflies tickling their way down to her neck.

she frowns at the gentle touches that make her sigh softly in satisfaction with her dream, that is until she stops and realises that she's not sleeping anymore. this is not a dream! her eyes open in one shot and body jolts awake, about to let out a vocal reaction as well to show how this person— whoever decided it was okay to sneak in her bed and touch her— made the wrong move. however, as fast she tries to get up, the arm, tattooed, holds her back against their firm chest and leans closer with a soft chuckle.

"good morning, baby."

aria turns around quickly, a frown creasing her forehead as she stares at her boyfriend's grinning face. he leans in for a kiss, which she returns with a soft sigh and snuggles closer in his embrace. jungkook smiles, placing his arm under her head and the other arm over her, bringing her in his hug properly. "did you sleep well with my shirt on?" his fingers join his voice in the teasing, brushing on her bare waist under the fabric of the t-shirt that belongs to him.

"mm'hm," ariah nods slowly, keeping her eyes close and her head against his chest, "it smells like you. it's nice."

"i'm sure it is." his voice is almost like a whisper, as they're already so close that even their heartbeats feel loud enough to talk.

"i dreamt of us," ariah hushes out with a smile, opening her eyes to glance up at jungkook and fails to hold in a giggle. "i dressed you up like a pretty boy and did your hair into pigtails."

jungkook scrunches up his face, his wish of hearing something hot and sexy draining as soon as he built it up, making aria laugh. "you wanna dress me up?" he arches up a brow.

"maybe i do? you can be my doll." she grins.

"i think i might. what will you do if i were your doll?" he muses.

aria bites down a smile, guiding up her hand freely to caress jungkook's face and shifts a little. her other hand presses down on his chest, making him lay down straight on his back, chuckling when jungkook protests by reaching back to hold her like earlier, and she quickly assures him that she's staying nearby. she gets up from her place, carefully climbing on top of jungkook and lowers herself to lay down on his torso.

jungkook's hands, without wasting any time, mark their territory, grazing up her exposed thighs to her hips and waist, for the t-shirt rode up with her movements. he stares at aria's face, waiting for her to answer his question while his fingers are busy playing with the light elastic band of her panties. "you're so beautiful." he breathes out, mesmerized by his own girlfriend as though it was still the first time he ever saw her in college.

the day still resides fresh in his head like a time capsule that would take him four years back, letting him steal the pleasure of meeting her all over again. she'd be dressed in a beautiful, elegant white dress, shoes matching with it, and hair done like that of a princess from a disney movie. she was quiet as it was her first day in the new setting, between new people who were practically all strangers to her, and kept giving her looks of all kinds. jungkook knew what was going on wasn't bad, rather surprising since it wasn't usual for students to have a porsche dropping them off in the morning and a different car with a handsome man (her brother) picking her up after the lectures.

and of course, aria has always been captivatingly pretty, which added more to the stares that she received for anyone who was having their first day in college. she didn't know this, but people, when referring to her, often used terms like 'princess' and 'royal'. jungkook came from a wealthy family as well, but he didn't want this attention in college and begged his brother to just let him live like any other guy in college. he was already a senior by that time, and aria was just a freshman.

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