17. Friday Night Carnage

Start from the beginning

I still wasn't convinced that we were doing the right thing, but I had no time to answer him.

"They stopped," Nico said, and we turned back to the monitors. "It's a nightclub."

"A nightclub...?" Captain muttered as Michael Mercer and his men exited the cars and headed to the door.

"Why would Lonnie Hill be in a nightclub...?" Ash muttered.

"He's not in it, right?" Ryan asked. "It makes no sense."

Captain stared at the screen with a deep frown on his face while the rest of us tried to guess if Lonnie Hill was actually there, or if Mercer had other businesses in the establishment.

"There's no way, right?" Ryan finally said. "Not after all the hard work they did to hide from us."

"Even a rookie group wouldn't make that massive of a mistake," Ash agreed.

I turned to Captain.

"I get the part about letting Mercer strengthen his reputation, but what if innocent people get injured or killed because we're just sitting on our asses? That's a nightclub," I said to him.

"Wake up the others," he said without looking at me.

"So we're finally doing something?" I asked.

"Yes," Captain told me, and turned around. "Wake up the entire base. Threat level is now immediate. We need full mobilization. We need all units in the city in fifteen or less."

Everyone else was up on their feet and running before he'd even finished giving his orders. I just stood there, not knowing what I was supposed to do.

Full mobilization...?

"Captain?" I asked while he grabbed his phone and called someone.

"The nightclub is a decoy," he told me. "The real group is making their move somewhere else while we're focusing on Lonnie Hill and the rest of the puppets."

I turned to stare at my monitor. Just a decoy...?

"Get the governor on the phone, we have an immediate threat," Captain spoke on the phone. "I need permission for full mobilization."

How could he be so sure...?

"Yes, ma'am. Thank you," Captain said, and put his phone away. "I'm sorry, but you're staying here."

I so wanted to tell him to let me come with them, but when I looked him in the eyes, I knew to keep my mouth shut. He was dead serious now.

"Yes, sir," I said.

"Good boy. Try to get some sleep," he told me, and hurried to the door.

"With an immediate threat upon us?" I asked, but he was long gone already.

I let out a sigh and glanced around in the empty room. There was no way in hell I was going to get any sleep. If Captain was right, something was going to blow up in the city in less than half an hour. At any second now.

I sat behind my computer. The surveillance program was still open... Captain said I had to stay here, but he didn't tell me I couldn't keep working.

I hurried to sit down and tried to figure out how to open the connection to the cameras around the City Hall. It was the first possible target that crossed my mind, but then I realized that if the Governor was their target, they would hit the Morgan Manor instead. But if they wanted to kill people and cause terror... at this hour... Their target would have to be the city center, the hospital area, or...

Our base.

I connected to all the cameras I could think of, and once they all were showing on my screens, I stopped to consider my next step. I really didn't have the training for this, and there was so much movement in the cameras that there was no way I'd spot anything possibly suspicious all on my own, but I had to do something.

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