Chapter 6: The Man Who Speaks In Hands

Start from the beginning

That was a pun, wasn't it?

While I was thinking, Frisk leaned towards me and rested her head on my shoulder, of course I didn't mind and allowed her. I close my eyes for a bit and started to think, in situations like this, I would usually do this, it felt peaceful to me.

Chara: Oh you definitely like him

Frisk:'s just a friendly gesture

Chara: Absolutely not! I have seen many couples do this! You love him!

Frisk: And what if I do? Are you jealous?

Chara: Me? Jealous? How funny, I'm going to kill him and this is your attempt at saving him?

Frisk: Not really, I'll stop you, using my way

Chara: Which is already useless against me, I can just tell. You have no way of beating me, Frisk.

Eventually we had to leave this site and continue on, there was a steep ledge so I climbed up and pulled Frisk up. I was going to pull MK up but he had no arms.

MK: Hey, don't worry about me, you go on ahead, I always find a way through

Blue: Okay, I trust you on that

Frisk: We'll meet you soon!

Me and Frisk move on and leave MK, who is convinced that he will find another way through. Frisk ditches the umbrella while I read the signs on wall, telling the story about the war between humans and monsters.

Humans were scared of monsters because of what they were capable of doing so they declared war. United, the humans were much stronger than the monsters. While walking, I noticed some writings on the wall, they were faint and not readable because they were actually wingdings.

But somehow I was able to translate what it said.

Blue: Beware of the man who speaks in hands.......

Frisk: Did you say something Blue?

Blue: Yes, this wall has-

I turned around to look at Frisk but found a door behind her, Frisk turns around and her eyes widen at it. I was curious on what this was so I approach the door, Frisk tells me not to but I open it anyway, I step inside and Frisk follows me, we find ourselves in a large room full of white.

Blue: Frisk, where are we?

Frisk: W-We....I'm not sure what this is, but it isn't apart of our world

???: Ah, visitors, I have seen before.....and another that

I look around me and saw a strange looking man, he was some sort of skeleton but with straight cracks in his skull.

I look around me and saw a strange looking man, he was some sort of skeleton but with straight cracks in his skull

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???: You....I have never seen you before....

Blue: I could say the same about you

Frisk: T-That's Gaster!

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