➖️Things Keep Getting Better➖️

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Disclaimer:All rights go to the DCEU Universe and their respective owners these characters are not my own hence I give credit for the ones who made them and respectively ask them not to take down my account or story thank and have a good day all the images shown are owned by the DCEU Universe and to the artist(s)

Connor stood across from the very nervous and recently introduced Jesse Wells, he could definitely tell she was thinking about something that made her look so curious yet anxious at the same time..it was kind of adorable if he was being honest

Her awkward glances between him and the ground made it that much funnier to Connor as he couldn't help but chuckle to himself before finally being the first one to actually say something instead of staying silent

"Are you doing okay? You seem a bit..off"

Jesse fidgets with her arms and gives a small smile before replying back to Connor

Jesse:Yeah..it's just--well it's weird for me..

Connor raised an eyebrow not fully understanding what Jesse meant by that as she explains it to him seeing his confusion

Jesse:I've only had these powers for a while now..besides my best friend who has the same powers as me, I didn't think that there'd be someone else..

Connor nodded his head now understanding what Jesse was somewhat going through because in a way while he did know what he was..he was still adjusting to it all around him

"In a way, I get it..it's unexpected but now at least you know there are people who may not be exactly like you but have that feeling"

Jesse opened her mouth to say something but she stopped and actually thought about it, seeing that he had a damn good point about it

"Look how about we meet up again here tomorrow around the same time, we've both been through it and I think it'd be best to..get some rest"

Jesse wasn't against the idea seeing how this interaction alone was enough to convince that enough strange things had already happened as she nodded her head agreeing with Connor

Jesse:I'll see you again tomorrow..it was nice to meet you by the way..

Connor sends a genuine smile towards Jesse as she smiles back at him, they both say their goodbyes before parting ways to go deal with their respective business


Inside of his own little condo overlooking the beautiful glimmering city, Dick Grayson types away at his laptop trying to find anything he can about this new superhero but so far the only thing he could find were the blurry pictures and the video

Dick:Dammit..what the hell is it going to take even find you..

The former sidekick of the Dark Knight leans back in his hair and sighs knowing that the information was seriously limited and honestly starting to be a pain in the ass; he shakes his head refusing to give up so easily

If Bruce sent him here to Star City then it was because he was damn good at his job as Dick gets up from his chair and closes his laptop shut before turning around and grabbing the keycard to his condo; walking fast he makes it to the hallway and presses a button as the elevator doors open

He was determined to find this new superhero that he was tasked to find even if it meant searching this city block by block as Dick goes into the elevator and turns back to see them close

He was determined to find this new superhero that he was tasked to find even if it meant searching this city block by block as Dick goes into the elevator and turns back to see them close

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