➖️A Not So Fast Blur➖️

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Disclaimer:All rights go to the DCEU Universe and their respective owners these characters are not my own hence I give credit for the ones who made them and respectively ask them not to take down my account or story thank and have a good day all the images shown are owned by the DCEU Universe and to the artist(s)

Connor and Donna had decided to leave the bunker or as Mia called it 'base of operations' and go out for a walk to just talk to each other but not before bringing Krypto along, so that the super powered dog wouldn't make a mess inside the bunker as Connor still wearing his regular clothes walks alongside Donna

"I still think that this is a good idea, no offense to Mia or Kate but I don't want to stay down there for too long"

Donna giggled a bit as she walked a little bit closer to Connor and replying back

Donna:Trust me, I know what you mean..staying in one place for too long can get pretty boring

While she did appreciate the help she was given by the two archers, she was more of a outdoorsy kind of woman; she practically grew up living on an island before heading out of there to venture out on her own

Krypto looks at the two of them and pushes Donna closer to Connor as she accidentally bumps into him; Connor instantly grabs her so she doesn't trip or fall to the ground as Donna looks up at Connor with a bit of a nervous smile on her lips


Connor smiles back at the amazon warrior and replies back to her with a much more calmer yet friendly tone

"Hey..are you okay, Donna? Your face is getting a bit red there.."

Donna coughs to herself and steps back from Connor as she could've sworn she saw Krypto actually smirking to himself and rubs her shoulders

Donna:Yeah, im okay..it's just a bit cold..

Donna mentally face palms herself in the face due to her comment, the air was fucking normal as hell yet her dumb brain thought it was a good idea to say to someone who can probably not even feel cold at all; just as Donna goes to apologize about her comment..

She feels Connor put something on her back and around her shoulders as she sees that he is no longer wearing his jacket as she realizes that Connor had put his jacket around her to keep her 'warm' because of what she said; damn Connor and his attractive chivalrous ways towards her..but she wasn't complaining about wearing his jacket either

"Donna..? If you don't want my jacket, I could just--"

Connor reaches out to take his jacket back from her only for his hand to be slapped away as Donna only buries herself into the jacket with an adorable pout on her face letting Connor that she isn't planning on letting the jacket go any time soon as they both continue to walk side by side in the broad daylight together


Jesse Wells, daughter of Harrison Well a man of great stature and wealth but most of all a genius in every way imaginable; for you see the genius daughter had recently gained super speed from an accident that should've killed her but had imbued her with power of unfortold speed

While she did enjoy the life she had in Central City..a part of her wanted to go out into the world and sees just exactly what could do with her super speed; Jesse unlocks the door to motel she had rented for the next couple of days as she walks in with her luggage in hand and sets it down on the bed in front of her

She takes a deep breath and exhales all of the air she had just inhaled as she walks over to the small bed and sits down next to her luggage; some small part of her wanted to go back to Central City but deep down she knew that she was making the choice for herself

Tԋҽ Cʅσɳҽ Oϝ Sƚҽҽʅ (DCEU X CROSSOVER) >Hαɾҽɱ<Where stories live. Discover now