➖Finding Out The Truth➖

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Disclaimer:All rights go to the DCEU Universe and their respective owners these characters are not my own hence I give credit for the ones who made them and respectively ask them not to take down my account or story thank and have a good day all the images shown are owned by the DCEU Universe and to the artist(s)

~San Francisco~

Outside an old looking and most likely abandoned building, Eve, Connor and Krypto all get out of the truck as Connor uses his heat vision to cut the chains that are holding the gates sealed as he pushes it off as the trio walk in and start to head towards the building

This place had some bad vibes coming off it..Connor could feel it; it was telling him to turn back around and never come back but he had come too far just to walk away from a place like this

"Where are we?"

Krypto sniffed the air feeling the same thing Connor did as he hid behind him with a small whine coming out of his mouth

Eve:It was a chemical factory and lab, Dr Haun used to say this is where the Devil's work got done

They make their way towards the factory as Eve continues explaining to Connor

Eve:The fire alarm went off just around lunch and everyone was evacuated..we thought we'd be back in a couple of days and things would go back to normal but they never did..

They reached the main entrance as Connor opens the door and walks in with Eve following behind, she flicks on a light switch but the light hanging from the ceiling merely flicker

Connor looked around seeing multiple steel doors with certain experimental names and numbers on them, his hands trembled a bit as he could feel that this place was giving more than just a bad vibe

But he could hears Eve's heart racing faster than it usually did as she walked past him but stopped..she turned around and stared at Connor with guilt in her eyes

Eve:I lied to you, Connor. I said there was no such thing as a bad science experiment..of course there is!

Her guilt had been eating her up ever since she agreed to help him know exactly what he is and as much as she wanted to keep the truth from Connor..she just couldn't find in herself to stop it

Eve:Lex Luthor wanted to clone Superman but he couldn't figure out how..I told him he needed to use human genes to stabilize the alien ones, I gave him the idea to use his DNA to create you!

She leads him down the hallway and to a steel door blocking their path

Eve:You said you wanted to know where you come from? All the answers that you are looking for *points at steel door* are on the other side of that door..

Something inside of Connor pulled him towards that steel door as he took a step forward but Eve stood in his way and tried to talk him down from doing this

Eve:But kiddo I really suggest that you don't..

Connor brushed past her and stood a few inches from the truth he so desperately wanted to know, Krypto barked and begged with his eyes for Connor not to do this as the clone looked down at his new friend

"I have to know.."

Krypto nudged his nose against Connor's pants before walking over to Eve, he took a deep breath and grabbed the steel door by it's hinges and easily ripped it off and set aside before walking into the room

A cold chill ran down Connor's spine as he looked around seeing multiple test tubes with other horrific failed experiments of himself, they all looked like something out of a nightmare..one that would make you scream for you to wake up

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