➖️What A Bizarre Revelation➖️

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Disclaimer:All rights go to the DCEU Universe and their respective owners these characters are not my own hence I give credit for the ones who made them and respectively ask them not to take down my account or story thank and have a good day all the images shown are owned by the DCEU Universe and to the artist(s)

Disclaimer:All rights go to the DCEU Universe and their respective owners these characters are not my own hence I give credit for the ones who made them and respectively ask them not to take down my account or story thank and have a good day all t...

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The luminous place that is Star City shines ever so brightly within the night as Connor who is still carrying Donna in his arms looks down at the piece of paper that was given to him by Eve before their unfortunate departure and sees an old warehouse up ahead

Krypto sniffs the ground and starts to walk in a certain direction as Connor follows him feeling that there is more to this than meets the eye; Krypto makes his way into the old warehouse and stops at a wall in front of him and turns back to Connor barking that something is here

Connor focuses and squints his eyes seeing through the wall that Krypto had pointed out and sees an elevator that is behind the wall and leading down to some kind of secret base with spmeone inside; he glanced at Donna and sighed knowing his time was limited as he uses his heat vision to carve through the wall

And walked through the hole in the wall as he made sure not to accidentally hit Donna's head on the bricks nearby, he gestured for Krypto to press the button as the super-powered dog jumped up and pressed the button with his paw as the elevator door dinged and proceeded to open

Connor immediately stepped inside with his loyal friend following him as the metal door closed shut and slowly started to head down; he didn't care who was going to be behind those doors when they opened again..all he cared about in this moment was that Donna gets the help she needs after what he did to her

Right on queue the doors open as Connor steps through seeing a whole lair filled with computers and mannequins along with weapons hanging against a wall; Connor hears something being drawn back as an arrow flies past him and hits the wall behind him

Right on queue the doors open as Connor steps through seeing a whole lair filled with computers and mannequins along with weapons hanging against a wall; Connor hears something being drawn back as an arrow flies past him and hits the wall behind him

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?:I don't know who you are or how you found this place but you need to leave..right now

But Connor had come too far to be told to leave as a blonde haired woman with a quiver on her stepped out from the shadows and kept her bow trained on him with another arrow ready given if she wasn't threatening him with an arrow then he might have complimented her beauty

Tԋҽ Cʅσɳҽ Oϝ Sƚҽҽʅ (DCEU X CROSSOVER) >Hαɾҽɱ<Where stories live. Discover now