XIII.The Beginnings

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When as a child I used to get mesmerized by the glamorous and lavish lives of actors, I used to say to my mother that one day she would come to my concert along with thousands of other people who will love me and listen to my songs. As I grew up, I gradually realized that my dreams are too big for me, for us. Unlike those actors, there is no support for me in the entertainment industry. I am on my own. The dreams which seemed so achievable when young, now seemed to be distant, out of my reach. But somehow my heart didn't let me give up. It held onto the flicker of hope and waited for some miracle. As it is said 'Miracles happen to those who believe in them' and it did. Destiny brought me to meet him. He was and is my miracle. His existence in my life rose me from ground where I had nothing but a inventory of failures and disappointment to the sky full of beauty and love which I have always longed for.

And today, again, I am making flight towards my dream of penetrating roots of something of my own in this industry. And this would start with establishing my own company. A company where I would take actors/actresses under contract and create content with them. Till now, I have worked for companies, well a company which shall not be named but now I want to take a next step in my career. I would provide my people the respect, the credibility, they couldn't provide me with. And today, we are going for a meeting to get all the formalities done before announcing it officially.

Currently, I am driving towards the office where Win would meet me and we'll go together from there. After probably 5 more minutes, we reach the office and I get out of my car. I see Win's car already parked there which means he has reached early, since meeting isn't for another 15 minutes. I move towards his car and tap my knuckles against the window. He looks up from his phone, alert and smiles once he realizes its me. He opens the door and comes out once I move away from door.

'Hey, ready for the big day?' He asks excitedly. He eyes shine with happiness, his mouth turned into a big smile. Nobody would think, it is my company with the way he is more ecstatic and excited than me.

I laugh and say 'As ready as I'll ever be.' His smile gets even wider if that's possible. 'Have you reconsidered your decision? I ask cautiously, hoping he had changed his mind.

He just tuts at me and shakes his head. 'I have told you my decision. Why are you so insistent on it?' He answers my question with a question of his own.

'Of course, I would be insistent. I want you to be the director of the company. I want you there with me.' I say as if it obvious and look towards him pleadingly, hoping for some change of heart.

'Bright, the limit for directors for a private company is 2.' He says with a sigh.

'I know. I know.' I repeat, frustrated. He has reminded me this for a million times since these past days whenever this topic came up. 'So what? You can be one of the directors along with me'. I say stubbornly, refusing to let go of this without a final fight.

'Bright', He says softly and takes a couple of steps towards me. 'I would love nothing more than to work beside you, you know that. And why wouldn't I? I would be able to be beside you without anyone questioning it. But I also know that this has been you dream since forever. I wouldn't wanna come between that. I want you to do this for yourself, on your own. For once, I want you to be able to applaud yourself for your success without giving all the credit to me. You have always said that I was the miracle you needed to grow and succeed but that's not true. You were able to do all this for yourself by your own. You don't need anyone, not even me and you'll see that'. He explains passionately and for a minute, I am dumbfounded. He is so.. so beautiful. I can't gather any words for him right now. My thoughts are all jumbled and I am not able to make sense of any of them. Not when he is looking at me so intently, softly, touching me lightly on my shoulder as if I'll break into a thousand fragments.

I don't know what to say so I just say, 'I love you'.

He seems stunned for a moment as his eyes widen but recovers shortly as he scoffs and says challengingly 'Not more than me.'

I just laugh in return. He smiles at me and together we make our way towards the conference room. We reach outside the door and he turns towards me. I am suddenly nervous and he must realize that.

'All the best, my love.' He says and wrap his arms around me. 'You are amazing, remember that. We all love you and support you'. He mumbles in my neck and I sigh.

I don't say anything, so I just squeeze him tighter to show my gratitude. I don't know what I would do without him and what scares me is that I don't ever wanna know.

I know I kinda replicated their real lives instances but in my defense I was out of ideas. So what do you think, do let me know and don't forget to vote.

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