The Insecurity

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The director's shrill voice cuts through the otherwise silent room, making me jump in surprise. I come out of my reverie and look around to realise my co actress has already left for her vanity. Today's scene has been particularly exhausting. It was scene where I had to bring out my innermost self and lay out everything bare in the rawest form possible.

It is usually tasking to perform an emotional scene but not more than exclusively intimate scenes. People tend to think they are easy but they are usually the one which require the most effort and time. The energy it takes to stand still, create an atmosphere, build up chemistry and finally kiss is immeasurable.

Personally, I am not a big fan of movies which have so intensity and passion to deliver but Win encouraged me to do it since it was good opportunity. Opportunities to work internationally has been one of my many goals and he knows it. Hence, here I am. God, I love that man. And I can't wait to go back to him.

'Hey, Bright! Some of us are going to get drinks. Come with us, it will be fun.' Aaron's deep voice reaches me. I turn towards my left to see him standing there curiously waiting for my response.

Aaron is one of my co actors who originally hails from America but has come and settled here with her sister since America can be a bit expensive if you don't have anyone to support you. He is alone with her sister so he had to find a way out to provide for her and himself.

Since he wasn't able to get a college degree, he had to resort to something which would fit in his qualifications. Luckily, he had a knack for acting when he was in school, so he decided to work upon that and make that his career. And now he is one of the most successful actors here in Thailand.

Coming out of my thoughts, my gaze towards the person in front of me. Soft, kind, piercing brown eyes observe me, awaiting my response. Something about the way he is looking at me determinedly, I know he won't take no for an answer. So I relent.


'So, Bright, how is Win? We heard you moved in? Aaron asks me teasingly, a mischievous smile appearing on his face. He sips on his drink slyly, looking at me from the rim of the glass.

A wide dimpled smile automatically appears on my face hearing his name. 'Yeah. We have.' I reply meekly.

'It was inevitable. He practically runs to him as soon as shooting is over. If it was upto him, he wouldn't come to the set only.' Rex, our music director and friend says, making everybody laugh and me blush slightly.

Guys, I gotta go. My wife is calling me every five minutes asking where I am.' Terrence, on of Aaron's friend, says in fake expaseration, pretending to be annoyed but the slight smile on his face is a dead giveaway that he likes his wife demanding for him. He sighs heavily, hugs his friends goodbye, nod at me once disappears from the sight.

'My boyfriend is the same. He gets jealous when I have to kiss or be intimate with actors on stage or in movies. I can't count how many times he has asked me to reenact the scenes with him and practically demanding to accept that he was better than them.' My co actress and friend, Lana says, still in disbelief of his boyfriend's actions. We all chuckle at her misery.

'How about you? What was Win's reaction when he got to know you are doing this movie? He must have been jealous out of his mind. I mean his hot boyfriend romancing on screen with actors.' Aaron says grinning, knowing this I have done anything like this on screen before. Anything to this extent atleast.

'No, actually. He was pretty cool about it. He was the one who encouraged me to it.' I reply, a bit uneasily.

I should be relieved, right? That my boyfriend is an understanding person who doesn't care if I am with other people on stage. But why this knowledge leaves a bitter taste in my mouth.

'He was? Wow. You are lucky.' Rex says, perplexed. My wife is so particular about me reaching home on time. She complains forever if I am late.' He scoffs.

Win never complains if I am home late. In fact he doesn't even ask the reason for me coming home late. He

'Yeah, lucky me.' I reply quite bitterly.

Aaron must sense the tension in my shoulders since he quickly changes the subject and soon we are laughing, drinking and enjoying ourselves.

The rest of night passes by in blur and soon I am standing in front of our room drinking in the sight of the love of life sleeping peacefully, cocooned in the blanket. Soon, I find myself nearing him and taking my rightful space beside him and surrounding myself with his warmth.

You are back? He asks groggily, one eye open, gazing at me.

'Yes, it was a long day.' I say and move to kiss him. He responds to the kiss slightly for a few seconds but then stops abruptly. I go for a one more kiss when he backs away.

'I am sleepy. Can I sleep?' He asks but he is already turning away from me.

I ignore the slight pang in my chest. 'Yeah sure. Goodnight.' I say pressing my lips to his forehead softly.

I can't help but feel this tightness in my stomach. I am not able to let go of the painful realization that he didn't ask why was I late? Why I said I had a long day? He might be tired from his work but I can't help but recall today's conversation with my friends.

Their words revolve around my head in a constant loop and henceforth, I spend my night tossing and turning in the bed until it is time to wake up again.

The words still stuck to my mind.

Do you think B's feelings are justified?

The next few chapters would be continuation of this scene only. Thank you guys and don't forget to vote and comment.

Brightwin- Between Us Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon