V.The Inevitable

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I am in love with you.I am in love with you.I am in love with you.I am in love with you.I am in love with you.

My own words ring in my ears as I realise what I just did. I laid myself bare to him, I did what I shouldn't have. There is a thick heavy silence in the room. I can hear nothing except beating of my own heart which is skyrocketing every minute as I wait for his reaction.

But every muscle in his body is taut, unmoving, unwavering. He stands there still as he looks at me with no emotion on his face, his eyes blank. It is as if he didn't even hear what I just said. I go to say something to maybe undo the damage I have done but he beats me up to it.

As he slowly processes my words, his face goes through several emotions at once, shock, disbelief, denial and finally anger. He starts shaking his head aggressively and takes a few steps back.

He clutch the table beside him so tightly that his knuckles turn white. 'Don't joke about these things. Tell me this is not true. Tell me you are not in love with me for real.' He desperately says, his voice thick with emotion, his piercing eyes almost begging to deny what I just said.

'I wish I could say this is just a joke. But I can't. I am irrevocably in love you. I don't know when, how, why. I just know that I have always loved you. I can't live-

'No, no, no. This can't be true. This can't be true. You cannot be in fucking love with me'. He says shaking his head, his eyes so serious, so cold, for a minute I think I am not looking at my Win. He would never look at me like he hates me, like he can't stand the sight of me.

But I have to accept that this is actually him even if it hurts. It hurts so much though. More than my poor, fragile and naive heart can handle.

'I am so sorry. I don't know how this happened. Please try to understand. I don't.. I don't.. I don't wanna lose you'. I beg as my voice breaks and a tear slids down my cheek. My heart is in my mouth as I wait for some mercy from him. Some sign that will reassure me that he will stay. He will stay by my side and not leave me.

Even if he doesn't love me, he will stay. I can live with him not loving me in the way I want. I have enough love for the both of us. But what I can't stand is him not being in my life. He is the only person who keeps me sane. A person who is my constant source of joy. A person I can rely on.

A person I can trust blindly with anything because I know he loves me too. He loves me in a way a brother does for his brother or sister. In a way, a friend cares for his best friend. In a way, a mother bird brims her child with enough confidence to fly on its own. In a way, that no one has ever done for me. I can't lose such a precious thing just because of my selfish desires. Just beacuse I want more. But I know I am too late when he says,

'Well, you just did'. He says harshly, and walks right out of the room, trampling all over my heart in the process.

A small chapter but don't forget to vote guys. The story is about to end since it was always supposed to be a small one. Thank you for taking time and reading my first attempt at writing. It means a lot.

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