Three Days (Pt. 3: Samcha)

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"Hyung!" Jungkook comes through the doorway, quickly, interrupting their toast. They both sit up straight and she releases Yoongi's hand under the table. "They're coming! If you want to be alone, go now!" he whispers. "I'll tell them you decided to go back to the studio."

Yoongi and Jihye look at each other quickly trying to decide what to do. There is a moments pause and Jungkook begins to hop up and down in his own frenetic panic. He looks behind him and whispers something to the waiter who nods and steps back out of the room.

"If we leave now, we could go to the studio, maybe listen to my track?" he suggests, unsure how much to reveal in front of Jungkook. "Or, we could go get dinner somewhere," he offers, but they both know that's not all that will happen if they leave together. She smiles at Yoongi, arching her eyebrow.

"We could go back to my place and I could make you something," she offers quietly. He grins and nods, preferring this idea much more. He rises from the booth and pulls her out, keeping hold of her hand.

"Hyung!" Jungkook pleads, indicating they should hurry. Yoongi stops in front of Jungkook and Jihye smiles at him, shyly, as Yoongi keeps hold of her.

"Thanks," he says, nodding to him. "I owe you one."

"Yeah you do! Now, just go!" Jungkook almost pushes him toward the door. "Have fun you two," he calls after them as Yoongi quickly moves through the doorway with her in tow. The same waiter appears and directs them toward another exit.

They climb a different set of stairs, which leads to an exit out of a side door. Since the entrance was in the alley, the exit leads them onto a busy street, with loud traffic rushing by. He pulls his jacket collar up and hangs his head low as he walks, pulling her along. Once they round a different corner, in a more private space, he stops, leaning back against the wall and he pulls her to stand in front of him. She smiles, her eyes sparkling in the colorful lights from a shop window nearby and he thinks about how beautiful she looks in this light, with almost a glow over her skin. He notices she doesn't have much else on to keep herself warm against the chill of the September air. He opens his jacket and pulls her body inside to warm her. He looks down at her as he slides her hair behind her ear. He knows there is more he needs to say, before they get to her house. His expression grows more serious and she wonders at the change.

"I need to tell you something," he whispers, and she realizes something is weighing on him.

For a moment, she wonders if he is going to tell her that he has a girlfriend, and she's just made a complete fool of herself by following her own desire in kissing him without even asking. Her body stiffens in his embrace, and her brow furrows as she waits for his confession. He bites his lip, unsure how to tell her, but he pulls her closer, unable to stop himself from holding her.

"I have to go away, for military service. I'm enlisting." He says, feeling a little sorry for himself as he wonders what her reaction will be. She smiles at him, relieved at not being the 'other woman.' Her hands slide up the front of his chest over his smooth shirt and she can feel his muscles tense.

"I know. You're all enlisting, everyone knows that!" she admits. She nuzzles her mouth against his neck, leaving kisses across his skin.

"But, I'm leaving soon. Really soon. In three days." He frowns as he looks down at her.

She thinks about what he's telling her; that all they can have is right here, right now. Even if he wanted more with her, he wouldn't be allowed to have it. He has to leave. He's giving up his free time, his own personal schedule, and he doesn't get to have a say in where he goes or who he sees. Most people go into a flirtation with the hope that there will be more, and he's admitting they can't have that. She considers, what he can offer her, while he holds her, his fingers tracing the line along the waist of her skirt, hanging low on her hips, feeling the heat of her skin.

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