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Sophies POV

Nathan's been the best younger brother I could have ever asked for. He, along with my brother have always been very accepting of me and my decisions. Nathan though he has always been closest to me, throughout the entire family. Nathan and I are rather far in age but it didn't stop him or I from growing a close bond, it was as if we were twins. Since coming back home, I've noticed Nathan had been acting rather different than the other times I've come back. According to my older brother, this has been going on for a little longer than I've been let on. However, there have been several occasions that Nathan has been trying to tell me something, maybe this was it?

I woke up at sunrise today, I needed to get a work out in before Nathan was supposed to arrive. So, I got up got ready, and did just that lasting only about 2 hours as Nathan had sent me a message that he was 10 minutes away. I have to say I was very shocked he was up this early.

I showered and got dressed quickly so that I could get a start on breakfast, although not before sending Leah a good morning message. Nathan rung me on the gate speaker not long after the eggs had just finished being made. I buzzed him in and he punched his code into the door lock and walked in announcing his arrival.


I'm here


I'm in the kitchen

*walks into the kitchen*


I'm surprised you're up this early

*Nathan sits on stool in front of Sophie*


It's a new thing




Yes believe it or not I am capable of waking up early


Alright alright

As soon as I finished making the pancakes and bacon we walked over to the outside dinning seeing as it was beautiful outside. We began to speak and eat.


So, what you been up to lately?


Nothing really just been at home. What have you been up to? I've barely seen you since you got back

Nathan's deflecting


Just been hanging around you know


Oh come on you can tell me I've seen Alex's stories on Instagram


Alright I've been hanging around the team


Just the team?


Geez, alright yes the team and I've met up with Leah a few times along with the team


I knew it!


Yeah yeah

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