Our Reality

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Sophie's POV

Today is going to be one of those days. When I woke up at 4 in the morning, sweating heavily from the nightmare that I could've sworn was real. It was a given. As I got out of the shower, I changed into some clothes, and went for a run to clear my mind. When I returned it was obvious to me that the run had slightly worked.. for now. I began to make breakfast when I got a call.

Call from Unknown

Me: Hello?

Caller: Hello, This is Second Lieutenant Mason Hayes. Is this Captain Cahill?

Me: This is

2nd Lt. Hayes: Hello ma'am, First Lieutenant Fisher gave me your number, said you would be able to help?

Me: Help with?

2nd Lt. Hayes: the nightmares and-

Me: and the flashbacks

2nd Lt. Hayes: yes ma'am

Me: Where are you?

2nd Lt. Hayes: I'm based in San Diego but I can meet you anywhere. I'm heading towards Los Angeles, about an hour out from Santa Monica

Me: okay, I'll send you an address and I'll be there in about an hour and a half

2nd Lt. Hayes: Thank you ma'am

Me: Drive Safe

2nd Lt. Hayes: yes ma'am

Call Ended

I felt for Hayes, this was his first leave after a tour, and he was rather young to be having nightmare or flashbacks. Although I couldn't blame him, the things we had been through and the things we had seen were rough. I walked towards the sliding door that looked out to the backyard, something about the call with Lieutenant Hayes triggered a bad memory from this last tour. Luckily I was taken out of my thoughts before getting too far into it. Startling me Alex tapped my shoulder.

 Startling me Alex tapped my shoulder

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Sophie, hey you okay


Yeah, yeah, just didn't hear you

Really? I called your name like four times




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