Beach Day Pt. 2

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Alex's POV

Making my way back to our beach setup, I decided I'd ask the remaining England girls if they wanted to join our game out near the water. As I was approaching them I noticed Lucy, Georgia, and Keira staring out into the water; I turned my head to where they were looking and instantly my heart warmed. It was Sophie and Leah. I hadn't seen Sophie smile that wide in ages, she finally looked like she was having fun, carefree fun.


I have not seen Sophie smile like that in ages






I've not seen Leah smile and have fun like this in a while either


You guys up for a light game?




Should we call those two?


No, let them enjoy themselves some more

Sophie's POV

Leah and I spent probably almost about an hour just splashing around, swimming and chasing each other. It's about an hour and a half until the sun begins to the set. Leah and I are now walking out of the water and heading back towards the group.


Is it alright if I hold your hand? I only ask because I don't know if you, well, want me to or if you don't want to in front of your teammates, which is totally fine, I respect that you'd want your privacy and we haven't really talked about this exactly and...




Sorry I was rambling wasn't I


Just a bit. Breathe of course you can

She reached her hand out and I interlaced our fingers. That feeling alone warmed my heart like no one ever had. In a few short days she had managed to give me peace, make me feel a way that I had never experienced.


I'd love to talk about it by the way, about this


Me too

Arriving back to our beach set up we noticed all the girls playing a pick-up game on the beach. Leah and I walked over to watch them play seeing as it was a bit too late to join in, We sat down, with Leah settled in between my legs and my arms hugging around her frame.

The game finished about finished about 15 minutes later and almost immediately after the game ended Megan head over to where we were watching.


Hey Sophie some of the girls wanted to do s'mores, we were wondering if you could go back up necessities, Tobin said she'd go with you if you want.


Oh yeah for sure, Tell Tobin to meet me at the car


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