The First Date

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Sophie's POV

The first thing I did when I got home was panic, I know I shouldn't be but, I just want everything to be perfect. As soon as Alex got to the house, I immediately felt a wave of calmness, as I took a shower she picked out what I was going to wear, knowing I would trust whatever she chose, and I did, as soon as she did she left wishing me the best. Now yes, I am in the military but I enjoy dressing up for special occasions. Once I was content with how I looked, I got into my car and made a few stops before finally making my way to pick up Leah. It was about 7:15 when I arrived at the hotel, I made my way to the lobby and watched as Leah walked out of the elevator


Wow, Leah you look... wow


Thank you, you as well look stunning

*They both stood there smiling stupidly at one another*


Ready to go?



As we made our way to the car, I made sure to walk ahead a little to open the door. She gave me one of the biggest smiles, as if no one had ever done this for her. Before getting into the car, I took a deep breath to calm myself knowing it was all going to be amazing. Before we knew it we were on our way




Absolutely what's the plan?


Well, I know you must be hungry after running for 90 minutes so first food and well, the rest is a surprise


What about a hint?


Mmmm, no


Alright, alright

The car ride to the restaurant was filled with conversation, never once fading or feeling awkward, it was natural. After about a 30-minute drive we were here.


Hi for two


Right this way

As we sat down, we both immediately glanced at the menu, nerves taking over waiting for the other to begin conversation. I'd decided to bite the bullet and start.


You're probably wondering why I've brought you here of all places?


It crossed my mind but not in a bad way, more of why this specific place being in a city like Los Angeles


I've come to this restaurant since I was young. For years, my family would come every Sunday sit in that booth in the corner over there and eat whether it was for either breakfast or dinner, up until I left. I guess I didn't just want to take you to just any place, Yeah I could've taken you to some super fancy restaurant with top quality, overpriced food but I don't want to impress you with material or superficial things like that, I wanted to bring you to a place that meant something to me.

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