What's Going Through My Head

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Leah's POV

I've never had a night like tonight. It felt magical, like a dream. I never had that much fun with someone, never mind a person I just met. Sophie's different than anyone I've met. When I saw her at the beach sitting alone, I felt drawn to her and my mind took me to where she was. When we started to walk on the beach and talk, I felt things I never felt before, I felt butterflies, I felt eager to know more about her, happy when she spoke about something that made her happy. I don't know what is going on with me. Am I having feelings for her? I can't be. This soon? I'm pretty sure she is in a relationship with her best friend, I can't mess a relationship up, no matter how I'm feeling. I think I need to speak with Keira, she'll give me advice on this situation. I hope she's awake.

I walk over to the bedroom in the suite to see that Keira is still awake, on the phone with Lucy.


Mate, I need to talk to you



Keira *on the phone*

Babe I've got to go Leah needs to talk to me about something


It's fine if she hears, I could use both of your input

Lucy *on the phone*

Must be serious, let me head over there

*Lucy arrives*


So, what's wrong?


I think I may have a crush on someone who I've just met


Does this happen to be about the person I saw you walking on the beach with?

I nod


Wait, so, You've just met someone and you think you have a crush on them? Already?


Yeah, yeah make fun of me but I'm being serious


What makes you say you have a crush on her?


Wait, first off who is she?


Sophie Cahill


Sophie Cahill? Who is that?


From The bonfire


Go on then, tell us about your night.


Well, as you have noticed I stepped aside to go and see the water and she was sitting there by herself, so I started a conversation with her and we ended up walking on the beach just talking, laughing, getting to know each other. But as we went on talking, I'm not going to lie she intrigued me, she made me laugh, she made me smile, she asked questions no one has, and she made me feel like she truly wanted to get to know me for me, and while we were talking I got butterflies here and there, especially when she would look me in the eyes. Then, when we realized we had been walking for a while we decided to walk back, so we did. We went our own ways, but as people started leaving, I just wasn't ready to get back here so I looked for her and when I found her, she was leaving. I told her I wasn't ready to come back so, then she told me to get in the car that's when she took me to this outlook that over looked the beaches, which was breathtaking might I add. We sat down on the bench that was there and we just got vulnerable talking about things neither of us have shared before with anyone. When we finished talking, she took me to this building with these arcade games and it was just us two having fun, flirting a bit, we came back here she even walked me to the door.  Then all of a sudden my mind just started racing with the thought that she is very close with her best friend, so I took it as she's in a relationship with her best friend and I could be possibly overstepping; and I told her that her best friend was lucky to have her and I slammed the door in her face as she was trying to say something. I don't know what to think, I don't know what to do, I—

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