Coming Back Home

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Sophies POV

I have finally landed in sunny Los Angeles, its odd walking throughout the airport getting a ton of stares, claps, thank yous', and nods, from complete strangers; but I guess that's what happens when you walk off a plane in a uniform,coming back from fighting a war that you and your country end up winning after a few years, especially when you arrive in a city like LA.

As I pick up my bags from baggage claim , I head out, finally getting to just go home. That's when I see them, of course, with a long banner screaming, 'Welcome Home!' , my head meets my hand with a smile ducking in embarrassment. I see my mom, my dad, my brothers, my closest cousins, and my best friend. My best friend of course runs up to me as I am walking out, latching her whole body onto me. I stop and hug her tightly. My best friend and I were inseparable before I joined the military, see, we were the same age, we did everything together, she was my partner in crime. So, when I told her that I had enrolled and was leaving to Army University, she was devastated and didn't talk to me for a while, but she came around and finally sent me letters, she even came to my graduation before I had left for my first tour and so on, which eventually led to me being deployed into the Middle East, right into the madness. At least that's a little version of the truth.






I missed you so much


So, did I

A few moments passed by


Alex, I need to go hug my mom before she starts crying even more, and you know how that is,

I said laughing.


Oops, sorry I got carried away

I continue walking as my best friend finally has unlatched from me and was now walking right beside me. I finally get to my parents and hug them tightly, of course, my mom starts crying and a few tears shed from my dads' eyes, although if you ask him, he'll deny it.


I missed you so much

*she said with tears running down her face*


I know, I missed you too, both of you

My brothers then came and both gave me a hug at the same time.

My brothers and I were close but they knew that I didn't like to show emotions, especially in such a public setting; which is why this wasn't such a emotional encounter compared to my parents. They knew that I had appreciated them being there which was enough for all of us.


We missed you


Yeah, we did

Once I finished hugging my immediate family, I moved into a big group hug with my cousins that had came to welcome me home. As we walked out of the airport in our gigantic group, I got more of the same as my family and I navigated our way through to the parking garage, applause, a thank you here and there, and couple of nods.

I chose to drive back to my parent's house with Alex as she was driving alone in my car (my most prized possession).While everyone else was squished into three other cars, although last minute Drew and Nathan joined us. It was nice, it being just us, I didn't like being around a lot of people, being through the things I went through I was overwhelmed with a large amount of people surrounding me. I had told Alex that I wanted to make a quick stop before we got home, and she knew exactly what I had meant. So, of course we pulled in to get some In-N-Out before going home.

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