Roots of Ruin: The Last Sanctuary

Start from the beginning

Inside the snake was like being submerged in a living, breathing tunnel. Organic matter pressed against us, propelling us further into its depths. It was suffocating and claustrophobic, yet Korr's laughter somehow still filled the space.

Just when it felt like we'd be part of this creature forever, we were suddenly regurgitated onto flat ground. Korr popped to her feet almost immediately. "Hey, you wanna try that again?" she yelled at the snake, "Open up! I'll even walk in to make it easier!"

Before she could taunt the creature further, the ground trembled as a thunderous voice filled the chamber. "The three who have caused so much trouble. Why do you seek me out?"

We all turned to see a towering hive-like entity occupying half of the cavern. Its labyrinthine structure pulsed as if alive, and the sheer enormity of it was overwhelming.

Valeria whispered, almost to herself, "So, you're the core?"

The hive mind responded, its voice echoing through every fiber of the cavern, "I am the essence you seek, yes. What brings you to the heart of my dominion?"

The atmosphere was tense, and not just because of the life-or-death situation we found ourselves in. We were confronting the source of the chaos, and it seemed aware of its own power.

Korr cocked her shotgun and yelled, "Here to kill you, motherfunker!" Before she even pulled the trigger, a dozen vines shot out from the hive mind and wrapped around her, suspending her in the air. 

Korr chuckled. "Oh, you've been watching Earth TV, huh? Think this is a hentai thing? Can't wait for the the vines to fill my holes!"

The hive mind seemed confused, its voice downgrading from a god-like thunder to something resembling a bad speakerphone connection. "What is going on? Who even are you people?"

Valeria saw her chance. "Oh, you think this is some sort of sexual thing? If that's the case, could you wrap me up too? It's been so lonely since I've been here!"

The hive mind hesitated. "What...what is wrong with you? Why are you like this?"

Just then, I stepped in. "Hey, don't leave me out of this! I too have unresolved issues and an underdeveloped character arc!"

The hive mind paused, its million plant-like eyes blinking in disbelief. "I can't even. You win, humans. You win with your absurdity. I don't even want to fight you anymore. You're all just so gross."

And so, the hive mind began to recede, its vines unwrapping from Korr and Valeria. Korr landed on her feet and dusted off her shotgun. "See, I told you many can't pleasure this rock hard body."

Valeria nodded. "That was so bad it was good."

I was taken aback when a petite plant-like girl emerged from the hive mind's gaping maw, leafy tendrils connecting her to the gigantic organism. She looked disgusted. 

"What the hell is wrong with you all?" she demanded, her eyes narrowing.

She was surprisingly attractive, covered in leaves that strategically maintained her modesty. I took the opportunity to ask her the burning question on our minds. "Why did you attack the city, and why did you kill our friend?"

She sighed, her face softening a bit. "I was hiding from the man who created me. He's half machine, half human, and he's done unspeakable things to me. Those dog-like bombs? I designed them because that guy always had pictures of dogs all over his lab."

Korr snorted. "And here I thought you had a vendetta against the canine population."

Valeria chipped in, "So, your reign of terror was actually a defensive strategy?"

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