Chapter 11: Object-Oriented Spellcasting

Start from the beginning

Switching tracks, I focused on my sound grenade spell, a condensed sphere of rippling sound mana growing in my palm. After a second, I lobbed the spell overhand toward the same rock. I strengthened my ears with mana, preparing for impact. Once the spell struck the stone, it detonated with a sound like a gong, rippling the nearby foliage and causing it to vibrate.

I exhaled, a slight smile on my face. I had made remarkable progress in my first few hours and was feeling a bit tired. My core wasn't depleted much; only by about a quarter. And it was regenerating rapidly, even as I used it. I had the red feather in my core to thank for that.

I worked my shoulders, preparing to head out of the forest. It was going to be dark soon, and if I wanted a solid night's sleep, I would have to head back now. I would return early the next day, of course.

I took a few steps towards the exit of the forest before the Unseen World masked my vision. Lady Dawn watched me sternly, her orange sundress muted in the darkening afternoon.

"What do you think you are doing, Contractor?" she said with iron.

"I was going to head back to the city," I replied with confusion. "It's almost dark out, and if I want to get a good night's sleep and avoid death by mana beast, I'll have to head out now."

Lady Dawn tilted her head. "Do you want to grow more powerful, Contractor?" she asked.

"Yes?" I replied uncertainly. I felt like I was about to step into a trap, the hook wrapped just around my foot now.

"Then you will stay in this forest for the night," Lady Dawn said with finality. "I have yet to instruct you on knife and close-quarters combat forms. This day is not yet done. And you will need all the time you can spare to complete your goals," she finished.

I furrowed my brow, looking past the phoenix to the glow of the city in the distance. It was warm and inviting compared to the looming unknowns of the forest. But Lady Dawn was right: if I wanted any chance to kill a Scythe, even the weakest of them, I couldn't spare a moment.

I sighed, closing my eyes to center myself. I really did not like this forest, and I would probably like it less at night. It had many mana beasts, and I was honestly surprised none had tried to ambush me during my training so far.

"You're right," I said with slight resignation, turning away from the homely glow of Fiachra in the distance. "What will I need to do next?"

Lady Dawn's glowing eyes dimmed slightly. "I shall instruct you on combat form," she said. "Afterward? We shall see how competent you are," she said with finality.

I gulped, remembering the barkskin grohd that had nearly killed me last time. I was far better prepared now, though. I closed my eyes, settling myself. Then, I strode back into the forest.

Lady Dawn began my teaching differently than I expected.

"You will only train your footwork and balance today," she said, watching my face morphing into confusion with her fire-eyes. "It is the most important foundation for a beginner."

The clearing we were in was deeper into the forest than before, and I was already on edge about mana beasts. Also, when the Unseen World of darkness clouded my vision, my senses were more muted. I wouldn't be able to sense things coming as easily as otherwise.

"May I ask how it is important?" I hedged. I wanted to know the whys behind my training. That made it easier for me to ingrain into my subconscious; a tactic I had used extensively to memorize information in my previous life.

"Footwork and balance are the largest commonalities across all fighting arts," Lady Dawn replied. "It matters not how well one can swing a sword if they falter once the enemy gets close. And similarly, it matters not how proficient your footwork may be if your recovery from being tripped or pushed is unsatisfactory."

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