Chapter 8 Witness ✔️

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This chapter and the next couple that were previously published will be  reworked & lengthened so if you've read this chapter prior to Feb. 12th 2024 then you may notice several changes.

Just a warning that this chapter will be long. I will not be breaking it down into subchapters like I have done before... but I think y'all will enjoy it. 😉


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I have no idea why he thinks this is a good idea, but I'm not about to look a gift horse in the mouth

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I have no idea why he thinks this is a good idea, but I'm not about to look a gift horse in the mouth.

Even as we finish moving my hilariously small amount of possessions into my new room, I still only understand about half of what he and Vernie meant when they first filled me in on their arrangement.

Law told me on the way back to his office that it was probably best that I didn't understand it all.

And yes, I have been referring to him as Law or Lawrence instead of Mr. Kingsley, mostly due to my growing tired of the scowl I earn every single time I say it.

It feels weird to be in his house, which is even more overwhelming than his office.

Aside from the file boxes that he was sure to show me, his house is a clear reflection of him and his personality. It could easily be a page torn straight from a decorator magazine. The only mess that his house seems to be hiding is that damn mess of files.

As I walk around, half listening to his guided home tour, which could easily be scripted, I am still distracted by the way his hand felt in mine earlier. The way my heart leapt when he took me off guard and intertwined our fingers.

It felt good—too damn good—and the things his tiny innocent touch did to my body could only be described accurately by the most erotic of authors.

I think all of the shit that has happened to me this past week has my head swimming deep in a huge fuck-cloud.

Seriously, who else besides me could be wrongfully accused of murder, taken to jail for the first time in their life, make friends with a convict known as Ace, find themselves begging for help after losing their money, job, friends, and fiance, all of my possessions, in a matter of days, move in with their new boss/lawyer, and still be so horny it hurts? And at less than platonic handholding at that.

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